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Pynagram 1.0.1 released

Written for Pynagram by Umang Varma on 2011-06-12

Pynagram 1.0.1 has been released. This minor release fixes a bug that made word lists with capital letters unusable.

Pynagram 1.0.0 released

Written for Pynagram by Umang Varma on 2010-06-14

Pynagram 1.0.0 is a final and polished version of Pynagram. This means that unless I find a great idea for a new feature, I will not develop this project any more.

This release brings multiple word list capabilities with a GUI for easy switching between word lists.

Updated .

Pynagram 0.4.2 released

Written for Pynagram by Umang Varma on 2010-05-31

Pynagram 0.4.2 fixes a bug that displayed the correct word for a brief moment before shuffling.

It appears your eyes are good enough to register the word in your mind even though you may not consciously realize that you've read it not solved it!

For the curious, it was approx 0.0025 seconds (one four-hundredth of a second) that the word was visible for.

Pynagram 0.4.1 released

Written for Pynagram by Umang Varma on 2010-05-12

Pynagram 0.4.1 is a minor bug-fix release. It fixes a bug that causes window icons not to display on some occasions and another that may cause a game to begin with special or non a-z characters.

Pynagram 0.4.0 released!

Written for Pynagram by Umang Varma on 2010-04-23

Pynagram 0.4.0 is the first stable (supported) version of Pynagram. This means that most bugs in the 0.4.0 version will be fixed by a release in the series itself and will not wait for feature development before the fix is released.

The Pynagram 0.4 series will not have any new features after Pynagram 0.4.0. Any new feature will be added only to the next series.

As usual, the source tarball will be available from the download page:
This is the first Pynagram version to be released with a Windows installer (also available from the link above)
Ubuntu users may download and install the game through the (easier) PPA method:

Please do file any bugs you find.

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