Glance Client 0.18.0

Milestone information

Glance Client
Nikhil Komawar
Release registered:
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View the full changelog

$ git log 0.17.1..0.18.0 --no-merges --oneline
8b4456a Uncap library requirements for liberty
76c9f68 Add unit tests for log_curl_request
bd0aa06 Fix https stack trace on python 3.4 client
c698b4e Fix client when using no ssl compression
64a1a0f Add SSL cert verification regression tests
c730266 Omit 'locations' as image-create parameter
a6234d1 Creating task with invalid property crashes in py3
fd2f989 Don't accept *args for client
e386e44 Stub authentication requests rather than plugins
27f70bb Remove keystoneclient mocks
02b1a05 Replace mox in tests with requests-mock
90407d9 Expose 'is_base' schema property attribute
2c08b40 Validate tag name when filtering for images
13b5a5a Remove redundant FakeSchemaAPI __init__ method
c149a94 glance image-show now have --human-readable option
42d7548 Test unit for checking update active images
6d864ef Correct help messages for image-update command
f272ab3 Generate API documentation
a1bb3eb Use any instead of False in generator

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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