Comment 2 for bug 1031245

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Ken Thomas (krt) wrote :

I've got code that supports the functionality, but I've got a couple of questions.

The spec shows a URI of "v2.0/users​?name=string", but it doesn't say what should happen if the name string is missing. I don't see an exception in keystone/exception that looks applicable. What's the process for creating a new one? Something like ArgumentMissing?

Second, in order to exercise this functionality on the keystone server size, I've got a corresponding change to keystone client. Rather than try to overload 'keystone get-user', is it too awkward to add a 'keystone get-user-by-name <name>'?

Finally, a procedural question. If there's a code change to two different code trees (python-keystoneclient, and keystone), what's the process? Create a branch in each with the same bug and submit them as separate reviews?

