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110 of 24 releases

6.2.3 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:



Severals bug fixed

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download icon python-mode.el-6.2.3.tar.gz (md5) python-mode.el-6.2.3 2,682
last downloaded 4 days ago
Total downloads: 2,682

6.2.2 (Hornet) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

New commands editing region defined by current indentation
Edit-commands will reach beginning-of-line if reasonable
$PYTHONPATH made configurable from inside Emacs

File Description Downloads
download icon python-mode.el-6.2.2.tar.gz (md5) python-mode.el-6.2.2 1,431
last downloaded 15 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,431

6.2.1 (Titmouse) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

- Handle PEP 492 async coroutines

- Logic of py-indent-region WRT lp:1426903
  In case first line accepts an indent,
  keep the remaining lines' relative.
  Otherwise lines in region get outmost indent,
  same with optional argument

- Commands
  - py-match-paren
    If at a beginning, jump to end and vice versa.
    Matches lists, block, statement, string and comment

  - ipython2.7
  - ipython3

  - py-beginning-of-for-block
  - py-beginning-of-for-block-bol
  - py-end-of-statement-bol
  - py-end-of-top-level-bol

  - py-flycheck-mode - toggle `flycheck-mode' from menu "Checks"

  - py-execute-section - execute arbitrary chunks of code
  - py-execute-section-python
  - py-execute-section-python2
  - py-execute-section-python3
  - py-execute-section-ipython
  - py-execute-section-ipyt...

File Description Downloads
download icon python-mode.el-6.2.1.tar.gz (md5) 6.2.1 1,219
last downloaded 5 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,219

6.2.0 (Piculet) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

- Support for large output
  new commands py-fast-process, py-fast-...
  Fixes: large output makes Emacs freeze, lp:1253907

  Python code now might be processed by an
  - interactive Python shell (DEFAULT)
  - non-interactive Python (`py-fast-process-p', if large output)

  Both processes might run in
  - session, i.e. start from possible previous state (DEFAULT)
  - dedicated, (`py-dedicated-process-p', run in separate process)

- TAB bound to `py-indent-or-complete', completes at EOL.
  Calls to `tab-to-tab-stop' removed, as these would conflict.
  Use `C-q TAB' to insert a literally TAB-character.

- py-fast-complete
  Complete word before point, if any, use `py-fast-process'

- `py-shell-complete-or-indent'
  In shell: complete or indent depending on the context.
  If cursor is at ...

File Description Downloads
download icon python-mode.el-6.2.0.tar.gz (md5) python-mode.el-6.2.0 4,455
last downloaded 5 weeks ago
Total downloads: 4,455

6.1.3 (Tarpan) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

New in version 6.1.3

PEP8 indent-alternatives when closing a list implemented

Boolean `py-close-at-start-column-p', default is nil

my_list = [
    1, 2, 3,
    4, 5, 6,
result = some_function_that_takes_arguments(
    'a', 'b', 'c',
    'd', 'e', 'f',

When non-nil, it will be lined up under the first character of the line that starts the multi-line construct, as in:

my_list = [
    1, 2, 3,
    4, 5, 6,

result = some_function_that_takes_arguments(
    'a', 'b', 'c',
    'd', 'e', 'f',

- Keys C-M-a, C-M-e usable for all top-level form, lp:1191078

  Boolean `py-defun-use-top-level-p'
  If non-nil, beginning- end-of-defun forms will use
  `py-beginning-of-top-level', `py-end-of-top-level',
  mark-defun marks top-level form at point etc.

Keys C...

File Description Downloads
download icon python-mode.el-6.1.3.tar.gz (md5) python-mode.el 6.1.3 6,012
last downloaded 15 weeks ago
Total downloads: 6,012

6.1.2 (Capybara) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

New in version 6.1.2
- simplified menu

- `py-execute-...'-commands return result as string
  Controlled by boolean `py-store-result-p', Default is nil
  When non-nil, put resulting string of `py-execute-...' into kill-ring, so it might be yanked.

- commands deleting all commented lines:

- boolean `py-indent-paren-spanned-multilines-p, default is nil
  If non-nil, indents elements of list a value of `py-indent-offset' to first element:
  def foo():
      if (foo &&

  Default lines up with first element:

  def foo():
      if (foo &&

- `py-output-buffer' mad...

File Description Downloads
download icon python-mode.el-6.1.2.tar.gz (md5) python-mode.el 6.1.2 3,181
last downloaded 14 weeks ago
Total downloads: 3,181

6.1.1 (Parasol) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

New in version 6.1.1

- comment-related commands:
  py-comment-block, py-comment-clause,
  py-comment-block-or-clause, py-comment-def,
  py-comment-class, py-comment-def-or-class,

- boolean `py-set-fill-column-p'
  If `t', enables use Python specific `fill-column' according to
  `py-docstring-fill-column', default is 72
  and `py-comment-fill-column, default is 79

- boolean `py-tab-shifts-region-p'
  when `t', TAB will indent/cycle the region, not just the current line.

- boolean `py-tab-indents-region-p'
  when `t', when first TAB doesn't shift, `indent-region' is called

- command from RET customizable via `py-return-key':
  `py-newline-and-indent', `newline' or `py-newline-and-dedent'

- boolean `py-use-font-lock-doc-f...

File Description Downloads
download icon python-mode.el-6.1.1.tar.gz (md5) python-mode.el 6.1.1 4,137
last downloaded 15 weeks ago
Total downloads: 4,137

6.1.0 (Conejo) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

New in version 6.1.0

- py-up
  Go to beginning one level above of compound statement or definition at point.
- py-down
  Go to beginning one level below of compound statement or definition at point.

- Customizable output directory
  After checking for a remote shell, the following variables are consulted:

  py-use-current-dir-when-execute-p, default t
  When `t', current directory is used by Python-shell for output of `py-execute-buffer' and related commands

  py-fileless-buffer-use-default-directory-p, default t
  When `py-use-current-dir-when-execute-p' is non-nil and no buffer-file exists, value of `default-directory' sets current working directory of Python output shell"

  py-keep-shell-dir-when-execute-p, default nil
  Don't change Python shell's curren...

File Description Downloads
download icon python-mode.el-6.1.0.tar.gz (md5) python-mode.el-6.1.0 2,291
last downloaded 14 weeks ago
Total downloads: 2,291

6.0.12 (Soper) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

New in version 6.0.12

- py-sexp-function,
  When set, it's value is called instead of `forward-sexp', `backward-sexp
  Choices are py-partial-expression, py-expression, default nil

- `py-partial-expression' reconsidered.
   Beside common moves like `defun', `statement' specific Python-mode edits are delivered:

  `py-expression' and `py-partial-expression'.

  Statement below is considered composed of two `py-expression'

  a = ['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1234]
  |_| |_________________________|

  Assigment operator and all inside comments is ignored.

  `py-partial-expression' would match six sections

   a = ['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1234]
  |_| |_____| |____| |__| |__|

  When traversing code, `py-partial-expression' climbs down and...

File Description Downloads
download icon python-mode.el-6.0.12.tar.gz (md5) python-mode.el-6.0.12 2,715
last downloaded 14 weeks ago
Total downloads: 2,715

6.0.11 (Deer) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

- improved Pymacs based code completion:
  - Completion of symbols from imported modules, functions, classes,
    module/class-level data members and instance variables in the current
    buffer. The information for this completion is updated whenever the file
    is saved.
  - Completion of local variables and function parameters.
  - Type deduction from constructor calls and literals.
  - Show help for modules, classes and functions.
  - Go to definition of modules, classes and functions.
  - Show signature of functions.
  - Support for auto-complete and company.

- remote shell support

- extended version of smart-operator added
  original smart-operator.el authored by
  William Xu <>

- py-electric-colon extend...

File Description Downloads
download icon python-mode.el-6.0.11.tar.gz (md5) python-mode.el-6.0.11 1,410
last downloaded 14 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,410

110 of 24 releases