
Written for python-mode.el by Andreas Roehler on 2011-12-30

New in version 6.0.4

- Python shell starts with `python-mode'
  that's needed by completion for now
  boolean customizable `py-start-run-py-shell'

- outline-(minor-)mode enabled providing regular
  expressions. Customize `py-outline-minor-mode-p' to
  switch it on with python-mode

- Hook delivered to start hs-minor-mode from python-mode
  Customize `py-hide-show-minor-mode-p'
  Key setting example:
  (global-set-key [(super s)] 'hs-hide-all)
  (global-set-key [(super S)] 'hs-show-all)

- Listing of available commands in org-mode and reST
  format in directory "doc"

- Python shells and executing forms may be called as
  dedicated process. See commands available \w suffix

- completion fixed: M-TAB completes in Python buffer, TAB
  completes in Python shells

- py-down-FORM-lc commands
  Goto beginning of line following end of FORM.
  \"-lc\" stands for \"left-corner\" - a complementary command travelling left, whilst `py-end-of-FORM' stops at right corner.
  Implemented forms are "block", "clause", "def", "class", "statement".

- py-down-FORM commands

  like py-down-block introduced in version 6.0.3,
  implemented also for "clause", "def", "class",
  Go to the beginning of next block below
  current level.

Updated .

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