Comment 1 for bug 1039720

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Aaron Rosen (arosen) wrote :

This is actually invalid for create-port. The correct syntax is actually:

port-create --fixed_ip subnet_id=5cd3a4fa-fe43-4fe1-90b2-7ef082c0cf13,ip_address= --fixed_ip subnet_id=5cd3a4fa-fe43-4fe1-90b2-7ef082c0cf13,ip_address= b17eb0d5-317f-48f4-941a-03e30cd4fa9a

I haven't yet figured out how to modify these values via port-update. Using the same syntax returns successful but doesn't actually update the fixed_ips (port-update 5ecceca4-f95a-4b1c-b190-024d91d93ada --fixed_ip subnet_id=1eb40c2b-2f62-4817-822c-ff1df7357668,ip_address= . It ends up passing in:

{u'port': {u'fixed_ip': u'subnet_id=1eb40c2b-2f62-4817-822c-ff1df7357668,ip_address='}}