
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
Python-PouchDB 0.5 0.x None not yet released ?
Python-PouchDB 0.4 0.x 2014-05-30 - Keep up-to-date with upstream. - Package up the PouchDB update plugin - pou...
Python-PouchDB 0.3 0.x 2014-05-09 - Update from upstream, this includes (some breaking) API changes, mostly .al...
Python-PouchDB 0.2 0.x 2013-10-12 - Support for PouchDB plugins that aren't enabled by default? - Support for m...
Python-PouchDB 0.1 0.x 2013-08-18 Initial release