
13 of 3 results
trunk series Focus of Development
Bugs targeted: None
Blueprints targeted: None

The "trunk" series represents the primary line of development rather than a stable release branch. This is sometimes also called MAIN or HEAD.

mitaka series Active Development
Latest milestones: next-mitaka
Bugs targeted: 2 New, 3 Fix Committed, 4 Fix Released
Blueprints targeted: None

Series targeting the Mitaka milestone. We are targeting following features for this series:

- API/CLI support for user to view app deployment history
- Non-destructive app updates (app keeps same IP across successive app deployments)
- Scale up/down web tier instances (manual for now, will tie in to Heat-autoscaling with customer choice of reference architectures)
- Convert bash scripts to python for more reliability and easier debugging (tech debt reduction)
- Support for micro-service based multi-tier application architectures
- Ability to configure Container/VM size and/or ratio (the ratio part is up for debate, but on a 1:1 we need a way for the user to configure what flavor class they need/want).
- Support for different infrastructure choice beyond Nova, Ironic bare metal

liberty series Active Development
Latest milestones: 1.2.7
Bugs targeted: 29 Fix Released
Blueprints targeted: None


13 of 3 results