News and announcements

Late Statusupdate

Written for Qtrainer by Michael Kargl on 2012-08-23

Well... I wont lie to you... I did not do very much of the things I wrote in the last announcement. I am recently pretty occupied with personal manners that keep me from continuing the project on a regular basis. I went on a job interview (got the job ;D). But this job requires me to pass this one very big exam I need to study for very hard... Well I haven't done nothing though... I am currently collecting ideas on how to make this project even better and more exciting... But I cant really do anything until October.
I have used the program for a while now and it barely crashed... and those crashes where crashes caused by (probably an too old version) of Qt. The functions that are implemented are working as supposed.
I am looking forward to making this project a success! This is not going to get dropped. If someone has interest in joining me buiding this "learning suit" please contact me oer email!
See you in october ;)

Current Statusupdate

Written for Qtrainer by Michael Kargl on 2012-07-16

The program is almost ready for release... I have endless ideas of features I'd like to implement in the future that will make the software, hopefully, fun to use. But for now I will stick with the core and basics to make it as stable as possible. Once the plugin system is online it is going to be easier to write additional modules and games for it.

I have come across, at some company I am applying to, SCRUM which is, to my mind, a very natural way of developing software. Even though it has the major drawback that you are not forced to, widely document, your features I have decided that Im gonna use SCRUM from now on. So I will divide this projects in Sprints (which are about 30 days long) rather than major milestones. At the beginning of every sprint I will post all the plans for the oncomming sprint as blueprints/bugreports here on launchpad.

I will however try to document everything as I go along. I used the word "try" here because I have yet to learn and experience how to write good, legible and propper documentation that actually can help other developers as well...

Just wanted to give a short update on what is going on...
So long,
Michael Kargl

So long,
Michael Kargl

Finished up MAIN Features

Written for Qtrainer by Michael Kargl on 2012-07-02

Just finished up all the main features I initially wanted to see... I will freeze the project there and continue implementing new features as soon as I have time again... I will however clean up the sourcecode and document some things (code doc and wiki page). I will keep the project in the indev-branch though and use it myself for some time to see how it is responding to actual using ;) If it is stable and pretty enough I will move it to the testing branch. I also look into learning a bit more about launchpad itself and try to write some descent blueprints to let you know what I have planed for the future...

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