Rebar v1.0.0rc2

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Forest Bond
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 * Fixed a bug where debootstrap would be run with unsupported command-line
   option "--no-check-gpg" due to incorrect version checking logic.
   (Forest Bond)

 * GRUB can now be used for both i386 and amd64 architectures. Previously
   this would fail because the GRUB files were always copied from
   /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc, which does not exist on 64-bit systems.
   (Forest Bond)

 * When building disk images, filesystem size limits are enforced via losetup
   command-line option "--sizelimit".
   (Forest Bond)

 * When writing to an image with ``gzimg_write``, filesystem size limits are
   enforced via losetup command-line option "--sizelimit".
   (Forest Bond)

 * Binary packages (i.e. from directories passed via ``BinaryDirs``) are ignored
   if they don't match the platform architecture. Installing foreign
   architecture packages this way is currently unsupported.
   (Forest Bond)

 * Imaging scripts now ignore devices with size zero (e.g. because media is not
   (Forest Bond)

 * Imaging scripts now show a more complete device description instead of just
   the device name.
   (Forest Bond)

 * Imaging scripts now allow removable devices to be used as the destination
   device. Previously, a kernel boot parameter was required. A removable
   device will only be selected if a non-removable device cannot be found.
   (Forest Bond)

 * Fixed a bug where the APT libraries were configured to use the host
   architecture rather than the platform architecture if no architecture was
   explicitly specified in the Rebar file. This would have caused a variety of
   problems with package management, but only if the virtualizer architecture
   differed from that of the host system.
   (Forest Bond)

 * The ``Repository`` directive can optionally be passed a list of architectures
   for multi-arch qualification (i.e. the repository will only be used for the
   specified architectures). See the documentation for details.
   (Forest Bond)

 * The ``PlatformImage``, ``DirImage``, and ``DiskImagingImage`` directives now
   support specifying the boot loader installation location (MBR or VBR). See
   the documentation for details.
   (Forest Bond)

 * gzimg_write traps signals in order to detach a loopback device if necessary.
   (Forest Bond)

 * gzimg_write checks that the correct number of arguments were specified.
   (Forest Bond)

 * gzimg_write reads source image data from standard input if only one argument
   (the destination device/image) is specified.
   (Forest Bond)

 * Disk and network imaging scripts now ask the user whether to poweroff,
   reboot, or halt after imaging is complete.
   (Forest Bond)

 * gzimg_write explicitly uses gawk instead of the default awk implementation as
   gawk-specific features (the gensub function) are used. This fixes failures
   with other awk implementations.
   (Forest Bond)

 * The imaging hooks install gawk instead of the system awk for use by
   (Forest Bond)

 * The screen is cleared after initializing the terminal in imaging scripts.
   (Forest Bond)

 * If a source or destination device is not found during image, the user is
   offered the choice to continue waiting instead of failing immediately. This
   is helpful on systems with slow hardware initialization.
   (Forest Bond)

 * The gzimg_write and gzimg_build scripts themselves are now installed directly
   in the system executable directory rather than installing small Python wrapper
   (Forest Bond)

 * gzimg_write and gzimg_build now support images with multiple partitions.
   When writing the image, the last partition is resized to fill the remaining
   free space on the destination device.
   (Forest Bond)

 * Fixed a bug with gzimg_write where partition type IDs were not handled
   correctly if they contained hexadecimal digits a-f.
   (Forest Bond)

 * Fixed a bug with gzimg_write where large (too large to represent as an
   unsigned integer) partition start offsets and sizes may have been truncated.
   (Forest Bond)

 * gzimg_write hides fsck output unless errors were found.
   (Forest Bond)

 * gzimg_write truncates the data from the first track of the source image if
   it is larger than the track size of the destination device/image.
   (Forest Bond)

 * gzimg_write checks data size against partition size and exits with an error
   if there is not enough space on the device. This avoids wasting time writing
   data that will not fit.
   (Forest Bond)

 * Imaging targets introduce requirement for package gawk to support
   (Forest Bond)

 * Imaging hooks now correctly exit with non-zero status on failure.
   (Forest Bond)

 * Imaging hooks install GNU dd as the busybox version lacks some features
   needed by gzimg_write (ibs/obs).
   (Forest Bond)

 * gzimg_write uses a larger block size when writing partition data in an effort
   to achieve higher throughput.
   (Forest Bond)

 * gzimg_write prints loopback device details if appropriate.
   (Forest Bond)

 * If possible, the imaging scripts configure e2fsck to ignore problems caused
   by an incorrectly set system clock.
   (Forest Bond)

 * mount/umount command-line option -n is used during builds.
   (Forest Bond)

 * /dev/shm symlinks are properly handled in the chroot.
   (Forest Bond)

 * devtmpfs is mounted on /dev in the chroot if supported by the kernel.
   (Forest Bond)

 * Disk image manipulation is now generally done via a loopback device, with a
   few exceptions. This is required for forthcoming GRUB 2 support.
   (Forest Bond)

 * GRUB 2 is now supported via bootloader constant ``GRUB2``.
   (Forest Bond)

 * Requesting an invalid boot loader location (e.g. ``SYSLINUX(MBR)``) now
   results in a syntax error rather than proceeding with the build and failing
   later with an uncaught ``AssertionError``.
   (Forest Bond)

 * The primary disk partition is only marked bootable whenever the boot loader
   is installed in the VBR. Previously, it was always marked bootable, even
   when the boot loader was installed in the MBR.
   (Forest Bond)

 * The ``PlatformImage`` directive now supports specifying additional partitions
   to be inserted at the start of the disk image. See the documentation for
   (Forest Bond)

 * The ``PlatformImage`` directive now supports specifying commands to be run
   on the disk image itself (i.e. as opposed to the root filesystem image). See
   the documentation for details.
   (Forest Bond)

 * The ``__name__`` variable is now defined in the execution context of Rebar
   files. This makes it possible to define classes.
   (Forest Bond)

 * Extensions defined in Rebar files are now supported via the new ``Extension``
   directive. See the documentation for details.
   (Forest Bond)

 * Paths passed to the ``Include`` directive are now interpreted relative to the
   file in which the include occurs. Previously, include paths were always
   interpreted relative to the current working directory.
   (Forest Bond)

 * Fixed a bug where SIGSEGV was triggered due to not initializing the APT
   library properly in some cases when build phases were passed via
   command-line arguments.
   (Forest Bond)

 * The ``Repository`` directive can optionally be made trusted. See the
   documentation for details.
   (Forest Bond)

 * The local APT repository is set trusted.
   (Forest Bond)

 * APT configuration parameter ``APT::Get::Force-Yes`` is no longer set to
   true during build. It is no longer needed to disable authentication for the
   local APT repository. This may be a backwards incompatible change for some
   platform configurations. Custom APT repositories may need to be made
   trusted. In some cases re-enabling this setting may be required, however
   this is not recommended if it can be avoided.
   (Forest Bond)

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