Comment 5 for bug 963805

Revision history for this message
Jason Conti (jconti) wrote :

Oh, I think I see the problem now, that is a weird way to do it. Just to be clear, /tmp/chromifyosd_image will be a diiferent image each time ( or at least sometimes), correct?

If that is the case, do you only see the first icon correctly? Recent notifications caches the icons, so once /tmp/chromifyosd_image is loaded, it will always be the same until you clear the messages, which should clear the cache as well.

I can add an option to disable icon caching. If you would like to test to see if it works first and you have bzr installed,

bzr branch lp:recent-notifications

Then in that directory, comment out recent_notifications/ lines 33 and 47 (put a # in front). They look like:

      icon_cache[(name, size)] = icon

Then you can run the applet in a window to test with

./recent-notifications -w

Or scripts/ -b will build a deb if you have the correct tools installed. It ends up in dist/deb.

I will see about adding an option to disable the caching soon, let me know if you decide to test it and it doesn't work, thanks!