
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
Reformed Churches Locator 1.1 "public site launch" couchapp-backbone None not yet released Publicize the central Reformed Churches Locator website
Reformed Churches Locator 1.0 "1.0 release" couchapp-backbone None not yet released First working version ready for public consumption. This should be a bugfix ...
Reformed Churches Locator 0.9 "Last features" couchapp-backbone None not yet released Last features before feature freeze
Reformed Churches Locator 0.7 "javascript widget" couchapp-backbone None not yet released Create embeddable JavaScript widget that packages one site's presentation and...
Reformed Churches Locator 0.6 "groups" couchapp-backbone None not yet released Refine groups features
Reformed Churches Locator 0.5 "peer-to-peer network" couchapp-backbone None not yet released Create a simple peer-to-peer network to allow multiple Reformed Churches Loca...
Reformed Churches Locator 0.4 "plugin framework" couchapp-backbone None not yet released Plugin framework & OPC, PCA, and URC plugins working
Reformed Churches Locator 0.3.6-congregation-entry-form "0.3.6" couchapp-backbone None not yet released
Reformed Churches Locator 0.3.5 "versioning" couchapp-backbone None not yet released Implement versioning blueprints
Reformed Churches Locator 0.3.3 "provide feeds" couchapp-backbone None not yet released Create feeds of data
Reformed Churches Locator 0.3 "map page" couchapp-backbone None not yet released Have a working map page.
Reformed Churches Locator 0.2 "congregations page" couchapp-backbone 2010-11-25 not yet released Display a working congregations page
Reformed Churches Locator 0.1 "running app with example data" couchapp-backbone 2010-10-28 not yet released The goal for this milestone is to have a running app containing example congr...