Reyn Tweets 0.3 (alpha 3) released

Written for Reyn Tweets by air-dex on 2013-08-24

The third alpha version of Reyn Tweets Twitter client is now released.

What's new in this release ?

The main change is about Qt. Reyn Tweets uses now Qt 5 instead of Qt 4.8. Qt 5.1 is the recommended version for running Reyn Tweets. You can download it at

With the bump from Qt 4.8 to Qt 5, lots of reviews and improvements were made in Reyn Tweets' C++ backend :

- QJSON was replaced by Qt JSON (Qt 5 native JSON support) for JSON support in the program. The whole Reyn Tweets architecture was optimized in order to take full advantage of this new JSON library.
- The OAuth authentication was reviewed. In earlier versions, Reyn Tweets hacked the HTML form given by Twitter to authorize the application. It depended a lot on how Twitter codes its HTML pages so every change made by Twitter might brake the application. Now Reyn Tweets displays the HTML form and is more independant from the HTML code of the page.
- twitter-text-js was bumped from 1.4.16 to 1.6.1.
- A critical bug on the configuration ( ) was fixed.
- You can find all the other improvements and bug fixes in the Launchpad blueprints dedicated to the bump to Qt 5 ( ) and to all the optimizations ( ).

The Symbian version was dropped too. Symbian is now a dead OS. Moreover, Tweetian is finally the Twitter client for Symbian that I wanted to make with Reyn Tweets so there is no need to do a Symbian version

What's next ?

The next step in Reyn Tweets development is made of two main tasks :

- Recoding the whole QML UI with Qt Quick Controls. The UI and its look and feel will be better and more conventionnal.
- Separating the code dedicated to the connection from the rest of the program. I want to reuse this code in other personal projects which are not related to Reyn Tweets stuff so I will make a library of it.

There were other tasks that might be done for the next release :

- Recoding tests.
- Working on Reyn Tweets packaging in order to make a better Windows installer and a better .deb package. I would like to make a RPM package too and a PPA for Reyn Tweets too.
- Perhaps an Ubuntu Touch version.
- Probably new features.

What can you do now ?

You can test Reyn Tweets 0.3 on Windows and Linux by downloading it in its Google Code Downloads section :

Do not hesitate to tell me what do you think about it and reporting bugs if you found them.

Have fun with Reyn Tweets !

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