RPM 5.4.1

rpm-5.4.1 release.

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Jeff Johnson
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   - devzero2000: In fpLookupSubdir, data returned by hash should be of type
      "struct rpmffi_s **" instead of "struct rpmffi_s *" to avoid
      segfault. Patch by Qing He.
    - devzero2000: added gcc-c++ in devtool.conf for fedora (required by beecrypt)
    - devzero2000: added fedora per platform macro from redhat-rpm-config
    - devzero2000: added suse to the per vendor change configure.ac enabler
    - devzero2000: added suse.in macros file from rpm-4.9.0-122
    - devzero2000: resurrect openwall (owl) vendor detection
      They are using rpm 4.2 with, apparently, the missing CVE-2010-2059 patch. This is strange enough
      i think http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2010/06/02/2.
    - devzero2000: Sort file list for debuginfo extraction.
      (inspired by Robert Schiele http://lists.rpm.org/pipermail/rpm-list/2011-May/000894.html)
    - proyvind: update doxygen input filename paths.
    - proyvind: fix assertion error when trying to install packages without
        required permissions.
    - devzero2000: document --whatneeds and --needswhat
      (ref. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=142651)
    - proyvind: fix an extremely subtle, corner-case memleak in parsePreamble.c
    - jbj: dreamplug: build options.
    - jbj: openmamba: explicit neon linkage isn't right solution, revert/todo++.
    - jbj: monga: build options.
    - jbj: openmamba: --with-neon=internal needs libs to be added explicitly
        to linkage.
    - mdawkins: applied vendor Openmamba patches
    - mdawkins: i18n update cs.po da.po de.po es.po fi.po fr.po id.po is.po it.po ja.po
                ko.po nb.po nl.po pa.po pl.po pt.po pt_BR.po ru.po sk.po sl.po sr.po sv.po tr.po
                uk.po vi.po zh_TW.po
    - devzero2000: permit in configure phase to
      --enable-rpmvercmp-digits-beat-alpha for reverting to the old rpmvercmp
      behavior where digits beat alpha as used by Mandriva, Fedora, Suse
      and other (ref https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rpm/+spec/rpm-split-vendor-config-in-autofu)
    - jbj: mongo: adjust --json spewage to accomodate mongo syntax.
    - devzero2000: get rid of rindex everywhere: use SUSv3 strrchr instead
    - jbj: mongo: templating diddle-ups, use new Date(...) in other.mongo.
    - jbj: mongo: wire-up a per-spewage macro expansion, more todo++.
    - jbj: mongo: fix: iconv_open("UTF-8", "UTF-8//IGNORE") zero tolerance
        transform for encoding randomness, particularly in ancient %changelog's.
    - jbj: mongo: fix: JSON has no escaped single quote or vertical tab.
    - devzero2000: add more gpg keys to thkp.c test program
    - jbj: move multiarch* to mandriva.in.
    - jbj: put "devel(libfoo)" deps under RPM_VENDOR_MANDRIVA.
    - proyvind: merge multiarch-utils from mandriva.
    - proyvind: macros: sync with updated python macros from mandriva.
    - proyvind: rpmfc: add internel dep generator helper for kernel modules.
    - provyind: kmod-deps.sh: add dependency extractor from mandriva.
    - proyvind: rpmds: implement devel(libfoo) symlink dependencies from
        Mandriva, but with proper ELF SONAME checking.
    - jbj: mongo: stub-in a /usr/lib/rpm/bin mongo shell wrapper.
    - jbj: spewage: fix: rework sql/json markup to use the EVRD parser.
    - jbj: build: fix: resurrect %description -l XY yet again.
    - jbj: build: fix: attempt arbitrary '%foo' tag iff '%' is seen.
    - jbj: mongo: establish primary/filelists/other/srpm collection names.
    - jbj: mongo: drag-in the test suite. grdfs/replica_sets todo++.
    - jbj: mongo: and re-export the mongo-c-driver through librpmio.vers.
    - jbj: mongo: pull in the gridfs methods from the mongo-c-driver too.
    - jbj: mongo: update mongo-c-driver code, gridfs stil todo++
    - jbj: mongo: stub-in a configurable mongodb:// %_mongodb URI.
    - jbj: autofu: fix: remove --with-js remnants.
    - jbj: autofu: drop --with-js=internal now that JS 1.8.5 is available.
    - mdawkins: i18n update cs.po da.po de.po es.po fi.po fr.po id.po
                is.po it.po ja.po ko.po nb.po nl.po pa.po pl.po pt.po pt_BR.po
                ru.po sk.po sl.po sr.po sv.po tr.po uk.po vi.po zh_TW.po
    - proyvind: rpmjs: port to SpiderMonkey 1.8.5 API.
    - proyvind: mandriva: filter overlapping depencies.
    - proyvind: rubygems.rb: add/provide ruby(abi) dependencies for non-gems.
    - proyvind: rpmfc: add classifiers for gstreamer plugins & dep generator.
    - proyvind: use pythoneggs.py for python deps generated by internal generator.
    - proyvind: rpmfc: enable ruby file classifier & internal dep generator.
    - devzero2000: misread the review, repost as the original patch
    - devzero2000: change the order for the _initddir macro assignment
    - proyvind: mandriva: add systemd macros (mdvbz#62741, from Andrey Borzenkov).
    - proyvind: dbconvert: fix conversion to older hash database format
        resulting in "missing" package from rpmdb.
    - devzero2000: add %_initddir macro for Mandriva
      (ref http://lists.mandriva.com/maintainers/2011-03/msg00252.php)
    - jbj: fix: reduce false positives checking for duplicate keys(mdvbz#62822).
    - jbj: uuid: permit --qf '%{RPMTAG:uuid}' UUIDv1/UUIDv5 output display.
    - jbj: uuid: rework for single exit return.
    - devzero2000: permit in configure phase to enable the
      --enable-rpm-lua-extensions-based-on-rpmlib used by OpenPKG today
      and, for rpm.vercmp, by rpm.org (ref https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rpm/+spec/rpm-split-vendor-config-in-autofu)
    - jbj: add a --nofsync popt alias (caveat: experimental & risky).
    - jbj: checksig: check explictly for per-item failures after iterating.
    - proyvind: always run %clean so it won't be required in .spec file.
    - jbj: install: check explictly for per-item failures after iterating.
    - jbj: rpmgi: save per-item failures separately from iteration returns.
    - jbj: display the exit code when -vv is used.
    - devzero2000: document the actual semantic of rpm5 %exclude
    - proyvind: rubygems.rb: change dependency 'ruby >= ruby_version' to
        'ruby(abi) = ruby_version'
    - devzero2000: flip a toy test from the %exclude and check unpackaged file issue
    - proyvind: check whether provides are duplicate of package first (without
        distepoch), also ensures that package is always at end of %provideversion.
    - jbj: add "| cpio -dim" to the rpm2cpio.8 examples.
    - mdawkins: i18n update sl.po sv.po
    - jbj: i18n: update fi.po files (Translation Project).
    - jbj: valgrind: fix: typo in macros building w/o <valgrind/valgrind.h>.
    - devzero2000: permit in configure phase to disable (via --disable-dirname-and-symlink-deps)
      the optional-dirname-and-symlink-deps used by Mandriva and Ark today
      (ref https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rpm/+spec/rpm-split-vendor-config-in-autofu)
    - proyvind: use expanded %{___NVRA} for 'rpm --last'.
    - jbj: valgrind: fix: typ in macros building w/o <valgrind/valgrind.h>.
    - proyvind: set mi->mi_count in rpmmiCount() when db cursor exists rather
        than always doing it in rpmmiNext()
    - jbj: rpmrc: fix: add missing nref++ on rpmdsFromPRCO() return segfault.
    - proyvind: set mi->mi_count when rpmmiNext() initializes db cursor so that
        rpmmiCount() won't break (mdvbz#62267)
    - proyvind: fix rpmmiCount() not resetting db cursor after use, breaking
        iterator (mdvbz#62279)
    - devzero2000: update INSTALL.developer with some jbj consideration
      on how to use multiple rpm version.
    - proyvind: python: export rpmEVRparse() & rpmEVRcompare() in evrSplit() &
    - proyvind: fix return code for ignored signals breaking ie. rpmbuild with
        gnome-terminal (mdvbz#62262)
    - proyvind: add tools/dbconvert for rpmdb conversion to/from hash/btree &
        little/big endian (to handle upgrade/downgrade to/from older rpm versions)
    - jbj: remove fsync(2) after file install, its intolerably slow.
    - jbj: simplify the lookup3.c valgrind logic.
    - proyvind: rpmdb: set and create default log directory so that it doesn't
        get changed ie. when installing to a fresh chroot and no DB_CONFIG
        exists, with transaction logs ending up in a path that changes later.
    - proyvind: perl: fix typo breaking RPM::Transaction->problems().
    - devzero2000: Fix null requirement produced by mono-find-requires
      by Silvan Calarco
    - proyvind: fix noarch sub-packages not having it's corresponding platform
        tag (mdvbz#61746).
    - proyvind: lookup3: fix runtime valgrind check and make it local.
    - proyvind: lookup3: fix valgrind #ifdef and perform runtime check for
        valgrind in stead.
    - jbj: omp: use a thread team solely for file digests to avoid overhead.
    - jbj: rpmns: use binary search for name space lookup.
    - jbj: rpmns: optimize out strlen() calls on depsolver fast path.
    - jbj: drd: disable digest/libelf races for now. todo++.
    - jbj: drd: disable path/tag data races for now. todo++.
    - jbj: ugid: use the re-entrant user/group lookups.
    - jbj: valgrind: empty macros for *everything* to see the namespace.
    - jbj: mongo: stub-in mongo:// and mongodb:// URI's.
    - jbj: verify: overlap header-only signature/digest with file digests.
    - jbj: prelink: thread-safe helper instantiation for valgrind drd.
    - jbj: consistent calloc-like behavior for memory pool items.
    - jbj: omp: include <omp.h> everywhere.
    - jbj: drd: attempt mempool annotations for valgrind drd.
    - jbj: omp: avoid thread overhead for a single digest.
    - jbj: rpmal: add a memory pool.
    - jbj: rpmal: rip-out the dir/file bsearch-able store.
    - jbj: rpmal: stub-in the rpmfiFNBF() replacement.

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