RPM 5.4.3

rpm-5.4.3 release.

Milestone information

Jeff Johnson
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    - jbj: release rpm-5.4.3.
    - jbj: rsa: avoid memory leak on quick-check error returns.
    - jbj: gpsee: snapshot RPM+JS resurrection work-in-progress for release.
    - jbj: leg: stub-in a fictional architecture to restructure the
        ARM namespace based on "attributes".
    - jbj: arm: add the next 6 armv7* permutations to demonstrate the futility
        of "Have it your own way!" architectural naming in the ARM family.
    - jbj: reduce the scriptlet envar's for "real world" usage cases.
    - devzero2000: call umask before mkstemp.
      The mkstemp() function generates a unique temporary file name from the supplied template,
      opens a file of that name using the O_EXCL flag (guaranteeing the current process to be the only user)
      and returns a file descriptor.

      The POSIX specification does not say anything about file modes, so the application should make sure its umask
      is set appropriately before calling mkstemp
      ( ref. https://buildsecurityin.us-cert.gov/bsi/articles/knowledge/coding/781-BSI.html)
    - jbj: js: port and compile against mosjs185 API. more todo++.
    - jbj: arm: add arm-peculier cpuinfo fields.
    - jbj: ruby: disable "make check" until -lpcreposix gets linked correctly.
    - jbj: ruby: avoid undefined @WITH_RUBY_VENDORARCHDIR@.
    - jbj: crypto: rescusitate --with-libtomcrypt.
    - jbj: rpmdb: stub-in DB_HEAP and heapsize configurable.
    - jbj: rpmdb: macros for new db-utils.
    - jbj: lua: port to lua-5.2.0-beta external.
    - jbj: hdrfmt: fix: remove a memory leak.
    - jbj: rpmgi: fix: load rpmdb tag value filters more carefully.
    - devzero2000: add lzip support
    - devzero2000: add lrzip support
      (blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rpm/+spec/rpm5-use-lrzip-as-new-compression-program)
    - devzero2000: merge commit 31d807ffa8cdf91addf7c39fdf9abf6c61d77944
      from @rpm.org master branch
    - jbj: rpmdb: stub-in db-5.2.28 support.
    - jbj: rpmdb: set -I/usr/include/dbXY, remove <dbXY/...>.
    - jbj: rpmtxn: fix: use DB_INIT_TXN (0x800 changes in db-5.2.28).
    - jbj: rpmdb: fix: don't set PARTIAL on primary DBT through cursor->cpget.
    - jbj: tests: rescusitate api-sanity auto/* markup for 1.12.5.
    - jbj: tests: upgrade to abi-compliance-checker 1.93.7 (modules? docs?).
    - jbj: tests: upgrade to api-sanity-autotest-1.12.5 (docs?).
    - jbj: python: disable broken "make check".
    - jbj: neon: upgrade to neon-0.29.6 internal.
    - jbj: start 5.4.3 development.

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