Imperium: Sticks 0.1 "0.1"

This is the main engine release of Imperium: Sticks. This release contains at least skeleton code for all major subsystems.

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Imperium: Sticks
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Release notes 

This release does not have release notes.


View the full changelog

Version 0.1

- Game should now, if an image file or description file is missing, let the user know which one upon crashing
- Basic sound engine implemented
- Added further french translations
- Removed uming font - nothing uses it yet, anyway
- Changed panel tabs to use description files - now need to create said files
- Bugfix - Map no longer generates one water tile squares
- Bugfix - Units no longer start on water or beach tiles
- Bugfix - Metal and gold no longer start on beach tiles
- Bugfix - Game no longer initializes player 1 twice in single player game
- Bugfix - Game no longer crashes when the configuration file is missing
- Bugfix - Units *should* no longer start on top of other units
- Bugfix - Plugged a number of rather serious memory leaks

Version 0.0.11

- Added unit description to template files
- Startscreen has been reworked
- Widget system has been started
- Units now display short description when selected. (thanks for the idea, Ryan!)
- Added dependency on SDL_ttf library to be able to display text in multiple languages
- Partially added French as an available language
- Began work on splitting displayed text out of main program and into language files
- Bugfix - fullscreen mode under Mac OS X no longer flickers and shears
- Bugfix - fixed crashed that occurred when units more than two tiles in size were destroyed

Version 0.0.10

- Rewrote technology advancement checking so the tech tree is no longer *quite* so linear; all technologies are now loaded at startup and each is checked to see if all prerequisites have been met. If so, a check is done against the probability of discovery, and if the check is met, the advance is added to a list of potential discoveries. The discovery with the greatest potential of being discovered (probability vs determined chance) is the one discovered that year.
- New resource: metal
- New resource: gold
- Removed defensive tech as a tech category
- Added engineering tech as a tech category
- Replaced the static status window with sliding status windows - most previous information ported to new windows
- Added bit to track types of units in play: workers, buildings, and military
- Bugfix - Victory and defeat are now displayed, rather than "game paused"
- Bugfix - Name entered by player is now retained by the civ structure
- Bugfix - split text initialization into two separate processes so the game does not appear to be hung when initializing
- Bugfix - removed restriction that status displays could not be accessed unless all units were deselected
- Bugfix - units were not being removed from all tiles always, which caused random crashes

Version 0.1-20070330

- New text has been saved and Y-offsets are now used for clarity and dynamic switching of fonts (when created)
- Minor change to game interface - sidebar has been removed
- Added project website to startscreen
- New unit - Lodge
- Map now displays properly in 1024x768 screen resolution
- When selecting a building site for a new unit, red tiles are used to show which tile is unavailable for use
- Bugfix - When units are selected, clicking where the status displays are will no longer change the current panel
- Bugfix - When research reaches end of tech tree, last research is no longer displayed as current
- Bugfix - Program no longer segfaults when shut down by clicking the X window icon
- Bugfix - Directed techs are now cascade researched; starting a new research no longer aborts the previous research
- Bugfix - minor fixes of unit sprites
- Bugfix - Lodge and axe units now display option panels properly
- Bugfix - coloured tiles, used to show the build location of a unit, now highlights all tiles correctly

Version 0.1-20070222

- Added section to display text in civlization colours
- Added contentment var to civilization - currently does not affect civilization output or function
- Added civilization statistics section to statusbar
- Added bounding slots around units so units can find the closest unused slot when trying to get near another unit
- New Tech - "Rhythmic music (psych)" undirected advance - sets civlization contentment to 50%
- New Tech - "Advanced Stoneworking (offensive)" undirected advance - allows building lodge unit, creation of axemen/axewomen
- New unit - Axewoman (created at Lodge)
- New unit - Axeman (created at Lodge)
- Bugfix - AI civs were not performing undirected research
- Bugfix - Technologies are now properly loaded
- Bugfix - Unit removal sub now allocates enough array memory
- Bugfix - Once stationary unit was finished being built, proper display image was not being used
- Bugfix - Only worker and town centre option panels were being initialized - now all panels are initialized
- Buxfix - Units can now move around other units...mostly
- Bugfix - Program no longer crashes when compiled with optimization flags

Version 0.1-20070115

- Added ability for units to do directed research
- Added female worker units
- Text can now be displayed in seven basic colours
- Partially added: when building a new stationary unit, target tiles are displayed in blue to show where building will take place
- New Tech - "Hand Loom (basic)" directed research advance - increases unit defense by 2
- New Tech - "Tanning (basic)" directed research advance - increases unit defense by 2
- Bugfix - fixed issue where unit health did not increase when Agriculture technology was discovered
- Bugfix - status window arrows now change panels properly
- Bugfix - civilization research modifiers are now synchronized across the network

- Bugfix - units now no longer get hung up on other units *all* the time when collisions occur
- Bugfix - granular pathfinder will no longer flag occupied space as clear
- Bugfix - granular pathfinder now checks for sufficient free space around obstacles for unit to move through
- Bugfix - unit tile membership is now done through added checks around unit boundaries, not just through boundary corners
- Bugfix - units can now partially find new destination space when destination is occupied

Version 0.0.9

- Created a shadow map to refresh map on screen - one single blit instead of 100+ smaller ones - minor speedup
- Game now exits when esc key pressed or when close window icon clicked
- When game is paused, the message is now easier to see
- Two-tiered pathfind implemented - one for long-distance moves and one for obstacle avoidance
- New tree sprite added (Thanks, Richard!)
- Bugfix - corrected pathfinding - units now walk to centre of tile
- Bugfix - map scrolling problems corrected
- Bugfix - units can now walk between adjacent beach tiles
- Bugfix - units no longer get held up by unit boundaries overlapping water tiles
- Bugfix - units can no longer attack their own side
- Bugfix - units are now properly removed from tile membership
- Bugfix - Trees now collapsed into civilization structure
- Bugfix - Optionpanel now displays the correct rollovers
- Bugfix - Stop movement option button now stops units correctly
- Bugfix - units are now not added to tiles multiple times
- Bugfix - selecting multiple units now selects accourding to box boundaries, not tile membership
- Bugfix - trees are now assigned UIDs properly
- Bugfix - obstacle navigation loops mostly fixed
- Bugfix - game no longer starts and ends a single player game when "Act as Host" is selected and "Start" is clicked before any players have joined the game
- Bugfix - The startscreen "Start" button no longer displays incorrectly when clicked
- Bugfix - game window can now be resized to 800x600 from 1024x768 resolution
- Bugfix - units no longer get hung up when sent to a new destination while harvesting resources
- Bugfix - units now stand beside units they are sent to, instead of a distance away
- Bugfix - game map now displays properly in 1024X768 windowed resolution
- Bugfix - game now no longer tries researching techs after reaching the end of the tech tree (no more tech loops)
- Bugfix - farms, when the building unit does not completely build the farm, will continue to be built when a unit is sent to it, rather than start yielding resources

Version 0.0.9-20060922
-Bugfix - all units now centered on tile
-Bugfix - pathfinding works better now
-Bugfix - units are now added to all bounding tiles
-Bugfix - units now do not start in water
-Bugfix - map now centres on lead unit correctly

Version 0.0.9-20060905
- Changed map to isometric viewpoint
- Added skeleton code for AI
- Added skeleton code for tech tree
- Added basic modules for directed research

Version 0.0.7

- Units now have a bounding base for collision detection purposes
- Basic pathfinding implemented
- Added research point allocation sliders to game UI

- Added locks to the research point sliders so players can pin point allocation

- Selected video options are now persistent between sessions

- Minor graphics improvements
- Game now reads from and saves video options to a configuration file

- Bug fix - Map no longer scrolls too fast

- Bug fix - Running fullscreen under Windows should no longer crash to the desktop

Version 0.0.6

- Added timed message displays
- Added status bar displays for units currently being built
- Network support - synchronized civilization data
- Completed unit/template separation
- Added unit animation
- Added video options to startscreen
- Generalized the cursor display routine to handle any image type
- Game should now handle up to 16 players.
- Separated option panels into three separate panels. Generalized option functions as well.
- Added farms to unit types
- Fixed collision detection bugs
- Collapsed the separate mobile/immobile unit lists into a single unit list
- Placed current resource totals on the sidebar
- Game victory/loss message now displayed on-screen
- Bug fix - Players can no longer build buildings on top of other units or other buildings
- Bug fix - Built units no longer arrive on top of other units
- Other minor bug fixes

Version 0.0.5

- Generalized the option panel button routines somewhat.
- Changed timing to use SDL_GetTicks() rather than clock() (done for amd64 Linux users)
- Changed building routine to slowly build, rather than spring forth fully assembled.

- Network support - synchronized the map, trees and initial players.
- Network support - synchronized unit movement and actions.
- Network support - added lobby for players to join network game
- Added basic video options
- Added unit unique IDs to units for faster sorting and finding of units across the network.
- Added location window in minimap.
- Fixed attacks to properly decrement unit health.
- Started unique unit/unit template separation
- Added bounding box for selected units
- Centred on starting units at game start
- Generalized the game to support up to 4 players properly
- Fixed minor map bugs
- Game now spawns civilizations when players connect, and frees them when they drop out.
- Minor bug fixes

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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