News and announcements

safe-rm 0.6 no longer protects symlinks

Written for Safe-rm by François Marier on 2009-05-22

The new release of safe-rm, version 0.6, fixes a bug which caused symbolic links to protected files to be undeletable. Therefore if you create a symlink to /usr/lib, you will now be able to delete it without having to use the real rm explicitly.

You can still use safe-rm to protect regular files and directories from accidental deletion using the rm command, but symbolic links will no longer be protected.

Another minor enhancement included in this release is the change in the message displayed by safe-rm when a protected file is skipped. The new message should now make it explicit who is to blame when a file isn't being deleted.

Wildcards in safe-rm 0.5

Written for Safe-rm by François Marier on 2009-04-02

In addition to protecting specific files and directories from accidental deletion, this release of safe-rm introduces support for wildcards in protected paths.

Minor improvements were also made to the documentation and overall code quality.

Many thanks to Dave Jones for his help in getting this release in shape.

safe-rm 0.4 adds protection for the root directory

Written for Safe-rm by François Marier on 2008-10-31

A new release of safe-rm is now available from the usual place.

The main change in this release is a fix for a bug that was preventing the root directory (/) from being added to the list of protected paths. Safe-rm is now able to protect you from the infamous rm -rf /.

I highly recommend that you now add / to your /etc/safe-rm.conf.

Thanks to Mubeen Jukaku for reporting this problem!

safe-rm 0.3 now available

Written for Safe-rm by François Marier on 2008-09-08

This new safe-rm release fixes a rather important bug: safe-rm would miss files in the current directory while checking the arguments against the blacklist.

You should upgrade as soon as possible to make sure that the full protection is enabled.

Thanks to Yi-Feng Tzeng for letting me know about this problem!

safe-rm 0.2 released

Written for Safe-rm by François Marier on 2008-06-08

After going through the feedback I received about safe-rm 0.1, I decided to cut a new release with a number of enhancements and bug fixes including:

- support for system-wide protected path list
- support for user-specific protected path list
- fix for infinite loops before using the "real" rm

Packages for safe-rm are now available in Debian ( and Ubuntu (

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