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110 of 17 releases

0.15 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

What is it?
SignOnUI is the component responsible for showing the authentication
dialogs (from simple password queries to websites' login pages) when
some application requires the user intervention in order to perform a
login operation.

What is new?
Many small changes since last release, plus support for WebKit2.
* Do not hardcode the prefix in D-Bus service files.
* Don't block the "about:blank" URL.
* Don't empty the username field when the login form is re-presented.
* Added some tweaks to the webview for to improve the experience on ubuntu touch devices.
* Fix a crash potentially happening when the XEmbed container reused the
  same X window ID from a previous one. (LP: #1158969)
* Fixed Cannot log in to Google app...


What is it?
SignOnUI is the component responsible for showing the authentication
dialogs (from simple password queries to websites' login pages) when
some application requires the user intervention in order to perform a
login operation.

What is new?
Many small changes since last release, plus support for WebKit2.
* Do not hardcode the prefix in D-Bus service files.
* Don't block the "about:blank" URL.
* Don't empty the username field when the login form is re-presented.
* Added some tweaks to the webview for to improve the experience on ubuntu touch devices.
* Fix a crash potentially happening when the XEmbed container reused the
  same X window ID from a previous one. (LP: #1158969)
* Fixed Cannot log in to Google apps domain + Ubuntu SSO (LP: #1171853)
* Add flag to ignore SSL errors (for testing)
* Optionally use WebKit2 in Qt5
* Implement removeIdentityData
* Cancel fail timer when a load is in progress
* Wait 3 seconds before reporting a page load failure

File Description Downloads
download icon signon-ui-0.15.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) release tarball 1,373
last downloaded 5 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,373

0.14+bzr85 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

What is it?
SignOnUI is the component responsible for showing the authentication
dialogs (from simple password queries to websites' login pages) when
some application requires the user intervention in order to perform a
login operation.

What is new?
* Fix page scrolling for some websites.
* Prevent a double deletion of the browser dialog.
* Tests: don't use any libnotify methods.


What is it?
SignOnUI is the component responsible for showing the authentication
dialogs (from simple password queries to websites' login pages) when
some application requires the user intervention in order to perform a
login operation.

What is new?
* Fix page scrolling for some websites.
* Prevent a double deletion of the browser dialog.
* Tests: don't use any libnotify methods.

File Description Downloads
download icon signon-ui-0.14+bzr85.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) release tarball 47
last downloaded 14 weeks ago
Total downloads: 47

0.12 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

What is it?
SignOnUI is the component responsible for showing the authentication
dialogs (from simple password queries to websites' login pages) when
some application requires the user intervention in order to perform a
login operation.

What is new?
* Allow building with Qt5
* New ReauthenticateAccount D-Bus API
  This method will allow reauthenticating an account by replaying the
  authentication session which caused the failure.
* Allow fine grained control over which URLs are allowed


What is it?
SignOnUI is the component responsible for showing the authentication
dialogs (from simple password queries to websites' login pages) when
some application requires the user intervention in order to perform a
login operation.

What is new?
* Allow building with Qt5
* New ReauthenticateAccount D-Bus API
  This method will allow reauthenticating an account by replaying the
  authentication session which caused the failure.
* Allow fine grained control over which URLs are allowed

File Description Downloads
download icon signon-ui-0.12.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) release tarball 67
last downloaded 16 weeks ago
Total downloads: 67

0.11 release from the 12.10 series released

Release information
Release notes:

What is it?
SignOnUI is the component responsible for showing the authentication
dialogs (from simple password queries to websites' login pages) when
some application requires the user intervention in order to perform a
login operation.

What is new?
* Do not instantiate invalid QDBusMessages

* Do not allocate the proxy factory on the stack


What is it?
SignOnUI is the component responsible for showing the authentication
dialogs (from simple password queries to websites' login pages) when
some application requires the user intervention in order to perform a
login operation.

What is new?
* Do not instantiate invalid QDBusMessages

* Do not allocate the proxy factory on the stack

File Description Downloads
download icon signon-ui-0.11.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) release tarball 96
last downloaded 17 weeks ago
Total downloads: 96

0.10 release from the 12.10 series released

Release information
Release notes:

What is it?
SignOnUI is the component responsible for showing the authentication
dialogs (from simple password queries to websites' login pages) when
some application requires the user intervention in order to perform a
login operation.

What is new?
* Coverage support
* Use libproxy to detect proxy settings
* Don't emit an OSD notification when accounts fail to authenticate


What is it?
SignOnUI is the component responsible for showing the authentication
dialogs (from simple password queries to websites' login pages) when
some application requires the user intervention in order to perform a
login operation.

What is new?
* Coverage support
* Use libproxy to detect proxy settings
* Don't emit an OSD notification when accounts fail to authenticate

File Description Downloads
download icon signon-ui-0.10.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) release tarball 29
last downloaded 18 weeks ago
Total downloads: 29

0.9 release from the 12.10 series released

Release information
Release notes:

What is it?
SignOnUI is the component responsible for showing the authentication
dialogs (from simple password queries to websites' login pages) when
some application requires the user intervention in order to perform a
login operation.

What is new?
Minor fixes:
* Ignore any webview signals since the authentication is completed
* Early terminate successful requests with no UI
  Fixes: LP#1049207


What is it?
SignOnUI is the component responsible for showing the authentication
dialogs (from simple password queries to websites' login pages) when
some application requires the user intervention in order to perform a
login operation.

What is new?
Minor fixes:
* Ignore any webview signals since the authentication is completed
* Early terminate successful requests with no UI
  Fixes: LP#1049207

File Description Downloads
download icon signon-ui-0.9.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) release tarball 23
last downloaded 17 weeks ago
Total downloads: 23

0.8 release from the 12.10 series released

Release information
Release notes:

What is it?
SignOnUI is the component responsible for showing the authentication
dialogs (from simple password queries to websites' login pages) when
some application requires the user intervention in order to perform a
login operation.

What is new?
* Avoid loading the final URL.

  Successfully terminate the browser request as soon as we are requested to
  navigate to the final URL, without even attempting to load it.


What is it?
SignOnUI is the component responsible for showing the authentication
dialogs (from simple password queries to websites' login pages) when
some application requires the user intervention in order to perform a
login operation.

What is new?
* Avoid loading the final URL.

  Successfully terminate the browser request as soon as we are requested to
  navigate to the final URL, without even attempting to load it.

File Description Downloads
download icon signon-ui-0.8.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) release tarball 26
last downloaded 18 weeks ago
Total downloads: 26

0.7 release from the 12.10 series released

Release information
Release notes:

* Protect webkit from untrusted content:
  - By default, allow https only.
  - Allow definition of blacklisted and whitelisted links
    Allow the host-specific configuration files to specify a which URLs should be
    opened in the external browser.
    This can be done either with a whitelist (of URLs to be opened in QtWebkit) or
    as a blacklist (of URLs to be opened externally).


* Protect webkit from untrusted content:
  - By default, allow https only.
  - Allow definition of blacklisted and whitelisted links
    Allow the host-specific configuration files to specify a which URLs should be
    opened in the external browser.
    This can be done either with a whitelist (of URLs to be opened in QtWebkit) or
    as a blacklist (of URLs to be opened externally).

File Description Downloads
download icon signon-ui-0.7.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) release tarball 45
last downloaded 17 weeks ago
Total downloads: 45

0.6 release from the 12.10 series released

Release information
Release notes:

revno: 52
tags: 0.6
committer: Alberto Mardegan <>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2012-08-15 08:59:16 +0300
  Version 0.6
revno: 51 [merge]
committer: Alberto Mardegan <>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2012-08-15 08:55:57 +0300
  Implement persistent cookie storage

  Cookies are saved into ~/.cache/signon-ui/cookies/<id>.jar
revno: 50
tags: 0.5
committer: Ken VanDine <>
branch nick: signon-ui
timestamp: Thu 2012-08-02 12:48:56 -0400


revno: 52
tags: 0.6
committer: Alberto Mardegan <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2012-08-15 08:59:16 +0300
  Version 0.6
revno: 51 [merge]
committer: Alberto Mardegan <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2012-08-15 08:55:57 +0300
  Implement persistent cookie storage

  Cookies are saved into ~/.cache/signon-ui/cookies/<id>.jar
revno: 50
tags: 0.5
committer: Ken VanDine <email address hidden>
branch nick: signon-ui
timestamp: Thu 2012-08-02 12:48:56 -0400
revno: 49
committer: Ken VanDine <email address hidden>
branch nick: signon-ui
timestamp: Thu 2012-08-02 11:28:41 -0400
  Dist fixes:
    Removed Makefile from .bzrignore and don't exclude .* from the dist target. It
    was preventing po/Makefile and the .config directories used for tests from
    making it into the tarball.
revno: 48 [merge]
committer: Ken VanDine <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2012-08-02 10:58:14 -0400
  Build fixes:
   * Add x11 to PKGCONFIG to fix FTBFS
   * use xvfb-run and dbus-test-runner in running unit tests
revno: 47 [merge]
committer: Alberto Mardegan <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Mon 2012-07-02 12:35:34 +0400
  BrowserRequest: handle web links

  Links were previosuly not opened at all. Now links which would open in a new
  window open in the default browser, while all other links are handled in the
  webkit view.
revno: 46
tags: 0.4+bzr46, 0.4
committer: Alberto Mardegan <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Fri 2012-06-01 15:35:43 +0300
  Version 0.4
Use --include-merged or -n0 to see merged revisions.

File Description Downloads
download icon signon-ui-0.6.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) release tarball 27
last downloaded 18 weeks ago
Total downloads: 27

0.5 release from the 12.10 series released

File Description Downloads
download icon signon-ui-0.5.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) release tarball 23
last downloaded 18 weeks ago
Total downloads: 23

110 of 17 releases