SikuliX 2.0.0 "SikuliX"

Stable version as of October 2019.

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74 RaiMan
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1 Won't Fix, 74 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon sikulixapi-2.0.0.jar (md5) SikuliX API - use with Java aware environments (see: 4,037
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon sikulix-2.0.0.jar (md5) SikuliX IDE - edit and run scripts (see: 11,296
last downloaded 24 hours ago
Total downloads: 15,333

Release notes 

stable release for production (download:


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0 blueprints and 75 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1865423 #1865423 [2.0.x] Batch env paths are not considering in Sikuli IDE 1 Undecided RaiMan  4 Won't Fix
1741764 #1741764 [1.1.4] ADBScreen - crashes if waitAfterAction set to 0 --- fixed 2018-12-12 build #145 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1757365 #1757365 [1.1.x] Windows 7: Env.isLockOn(Key.NUM_LOCK) does not work - fixed in 1.1.4 2018-08-16 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1780716 #1780716 [request] OpenCV 3.x should be used in SikuliX 1.1.x - fixed in 1.1.4 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1788648 #1788648 [1.1.4] IDE: "Show thumbnails" switch removes Pattern with asMask and withMask --- fixed 2018-08-25 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1788811 #1788811 [1.1.4] IDE: menu EDIT - Find: currently not operational --- fixed 2018-10-05 build 103 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1788812 #1788812 [1.1.4] Android support via jADB: currently switched off --- fixed 2018-10-15 (#110) 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1788818 #1788818 [1.1.4] getWords() and getLines() not working --- must be collectWords/collectLines --- fixed 2018-08-24 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1788820 #1788820 [1.1.4] IDE does not open without Extensions folder --- fixed 2018-08-24 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1789080 #1789080 [1.1.4] Transparency: findAll() with mask patterns does not work --- fixed 2018-08-27 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1789684 #1789684 [1.1.4] App objects do not recognize when their application has gracefully terminated --- fixed 2018-09-16 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1790592 #1790592 [1.1.4] IDE: crashes when taking screenshot, if neither Jython nor JRuby are available --- fixed 2018-09-06 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1790616 #1790616 [1.1.4] IDE crashes at start if path contains spaces or non-english letters --- fixed: 2018-09-05 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1791599 #1791599 [1.1.4] IDE:"cmd ...") not working (only when run from commandline) --- fixed 2018-09-16 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1793035 #1793035 [1.1.4] RobotFramework: scripts not embedding screenshot into log --- needs robot 3.0.4 --- fixed 2018-09-19 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1793408 #1793408 [1.1.4] Win: popFile only allows sikuli folders to be seleted --- save script first or say ESC to script-save dialog --- fixed 2018-09-21 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1795987 #1795987 [1.1.4] Exception when using grayscale images - fixed 2018-10-06 build #104 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1797985 #1797985 [1.1.4] Screen.newRegion() should return a Region object --- fixed 2018-10-17 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1803895 #1803895 [1.1.4] Mac: want natural mouse wheeling --- fixed build #115+ 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1804875 #1804875 [1.1.4] Region: findWord/findLine crash if nothing is found --- fixed 2018-11-24 build 131 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1804927 #1804927 [1.1.4] leads to App.focus failed error --- fixed with build #132 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1807108 #1807108 [1.1.4] Windows: Android: Screenshot problem - lower part of screen image is black (varying) --- fixed 2018-12-12 build #145 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1808499 #1808499 [1.1.4] not found in taskList after 0 secs (Mac: Calculator) --- fixed for Mac: 2018-12-14 build #148 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1808573 #1808573 [1.1.4] Mac: app name with space does not work --- fixed 2018-12-20 build#153 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1808849 #1808849 [1.1.4] Mac: Problems with App.focus() and App.isRunning() --- fixed end 2018 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1809881 #1809881 [1.1.4] VNCScreen::stop() should remove the related resources --- fixed 2018-12-28 build#158 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1810640 #1810640 [1.1.4] IDE: HotKey Events called even after terminating script caused by an exception --- fixed 2019-01-06 build#178 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1811938 #1811938 [1.1.4] App::close(): should return true if success, false in other cases --- fixed 2019-01-16 build#186 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1813494 #1813494 [1.1.4] Windows: Working dir not set --- fixed 2019-02-03 build #190 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1814427 #1814427 [1.1.4] Python scripting: all([]) function not working --- fixed 2019-02-03 build #188 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1814858 #1814858 [1.1.4] IDE : Robotframework: Keyword Settings::Resource missing --- upgrade to RFW 3.1— fixed 2019-02-07 Build #191 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1815299 #1815299 [1.1.4] Region().highlight() doesn't accept values lower than 1.0 --- fixed 2019-02-09 build #192 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1817043 #1817043 [request] SikuliX version info: should contain the build number for snapshot versions --- added 2019-02-22 build#206 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1817125 #1817125 [Request] ADBRobot#getColor() be implemented --- fixed 2019-02-21 build #197 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1817556 #1817556 [1.1.4] IDE: Toolbar buttons: crash if capture selection is drawn to another screen --- fixed 2019-02-26 build# 211 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1821530 #1821530 [1.1.4] running plain Jython from commandline: import problems --- fixed 2019-03-25 build#257 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1822352 #1822352 [1.1.4] Linux: Open... dialog can’t navigate file system --- fixed 2019-03-31 build#259 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1823193 #1823193 [1.1.4] IDE: Save as did not work anymore --- fixed 2019-04-04 build #269 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1824785 #1824785 [1.1.4] IDE, Win, Python: not utf-8 in message-area by print() --- fixed 2019-04-15 build#283 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1833164 #1833164 [1.1.4] Region.findText() crashes with NPE --- fixed 2019-06-18 build #308 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1835099 #1835099 [1.1.4] -r "c:\somewhere\somefolder\aScript" does not work --- fixed 2019-07-03 build #317 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1835908 #1835908 [1.1.4] Class com.sun.jna.Native not found --- fixed build #321 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1837063 #1837063 [1.1.4] IDE: running script: Not finding most recent version of imported script --- fixed 2019-07-22 build#339 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1838128 #1838128 [1.1.4] IDE: buttons show/showIn freeze IDE --- fixed 2019-07-27 build#347 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1838665 #1838665 [1.1.4] IDE: run in slow motion: alt-shift-c (abort) does not work --- fixed 2019-08-02 build# 364 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1840077 #1840077 [1.1.4] API: Crash when running under OpenJ9 JVM on Windows --- fixed 2019-08-19 build #365 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
673995 #673995 [request] Transparent pixels should be ignored in matching process 3 High RaiMan  10 Fix Released
905045 #905045 [request] IDE: Add method to run selected lines 3 High RaiMan  10 Fix Released
950611 #950611 [request] Region.highlight() should have a color option 3 High RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1188186 #1188186 IDE: Importing doesn't work when imported file changes: Requires Sikuli restart 3 High RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1299462 #1299462 [request] want to be able to type() any unicode character 3 High RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1370420 #1370420 Jython scripting: unicode strings: paste(utf-8 text) does not work --- workaround 3 High RaiMan  10 Fix Released
513312 #513312 [1.1.x] Invalid key code when ":" included in a string with type() --- request: should be possible 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1224811 #1224811 [1.0.1] improvements for text recognition 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1232002 #1232002 [1.0.1] IDE: Don't work "Home" & "End" in string with pattern 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1258696 #1258696 [1.0.1.] The behavior of pressing HOME or END button on a keyboard in the IDE seems wrong 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1282399 #1282399 [request] IDE: want an option to save/open plain script file (.py, .rb, …) and want alt-shift-c useable for command line runs too 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1289299 #1289299 [request] want the option to specify a FindFailed handler, that is called on FindFailed 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1316030 #1316030 [request] IDE: better support for evaluating geometric relations between GUI elements/visual objects 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1319685 #1319685 [request] want support for better control over Tesseract options and features 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1339809 #1339809 [request] want a timed input function (closes after a given time) 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1365575 #1365575 [request] tesseract: want to use tessedit_char_whitelist 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1391810 #1391810 [request] Tesseract options like page segmentation mode should be used and settable 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1409098 #1409098 findAll limited to 100 matches 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1410072 #1410072 [request] Java: to support Gradle: Stop using property variables in POM 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1426014 #1426014 [1.1.0] Mac OS 10.10: Sikuli sometimes does not show the menus in the top application menu bar 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1492020 #1492020 [request] non US keyboard layouts should be supported --- workaround: use paste() instead 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1537216 #1537216 [request] sikulixapi.jar should be useable with OSGI 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1599789 #1599789 [request] VNC: password-protected VNC Connections should be supported 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1805845 #1805845 [1.1.4] Windows: App::focus: problems with window titles containing unicode characters 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1824694 #1824694 [1.1.4] Numpad keys not working together with keyDown(Key.ALT) --- workaround: use type(u"ö") instead 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1834341 #1834341 [1.1.4] findText changed behaviour: less reliable than in 1.1.3 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1663241 #1663241 [1.1.0] type(): when using text insert, the # key is represented as a £ key symbol --- known restriction 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1789901 #1789901 [1.1.4] IDE: Windows 10: Alt-Shift-C leads to SystemOut broken error 1 Undecided RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1810639 #1810639 [1.1.4] Capture does not always work / directory missing 1 Undecided RaiMan  10 Fix Released
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