News and announcements

Slingshot 0.7.3 Released

Written for Slingshot by Cody Garver on 2013-08-14

slingshot-launcher 0.7.3 is out!

Slingshot 0.7.2 Released

Written for Slingshot by Cody Garver on 2013-06-24

Slingshot 0.7.2 is out!

Slingshot Luna Beta1 RELEASED

Written for Slingshot by Andrea Basso on 2012-11-08

Slingshot Luna beta1 has just been released. This is the version of Slingshot that will be included in the first beta of elementary OS Luna.

It marks an important point, even though Slingshot hasn't reached 1.0 yet and still requires polishing, this is the first release suitable for use in every-day life.

In the next release we'll see a code refactoring (development for which is already underway), some fixes to better support touch devices and fixes for remaining Luna beta2 bugs.

Updated .

Contributor Meeting 7

Written for elementary by Cassidy James Blaede on 2012-02-10

Be sure to attend this week's elementary Contributor Meeting held via IRC in #elementary-dev on at 18:00 UTC on Saturday, February 11, 2012 (that's tomorrow!). You may view and add to the working agenda on Google Docs at this link:

The headlining topics expected to be discussed are: the upcoming feature freeze for Luna; the status of individual elementary projects; Granite; and BeatBox's current status/development plan. Additional topics may be added before the meeting as well.

Please drop by, chime in, and let's kick some butt!

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