SOFA Statistics 0.8.14

Can modify the design of tables in the default SOFA database (variable names, types, order, table names).
Able to insert and delete rows when editing value labels.
Can delete tables in the default database.
The sofa id field is now read only when designing tables and the user gets useful messages if they try to delete it or insert a new field before it.

Please download from the sourceforge links below (download numbers are being tracked from there)

* deb

IMPORTANT FOR DEB USERS - you must install wxWebKit (web browser widget) first as per instructions here -

* windows

IMPORTANT FOR ALL UPGRADING USERS - you must delete the /username/sofa folder first (after storing anything you wish to save). Inside project files, change conn_dets to con_dets.

Milestone information

SOFA Statistics
Grant Paton-Simpson
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
No users assigned to blueprints and bugs.
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
No bugs are targeted to this milestone.

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Release notes 

Can modify the design of tables in the default SOFA database (variable names, types, order, table names).
Able to insert and delete rows when editing value labels.
Can delete tables in the default database.
The sofa id field is now read only when designing tables and the user gets useful messages if they try to delete it or insert a new field before it.

Please download from the sourceforge links below (download numbers are being tracked from there)

* deb

IMPORTANT FOR DEB USERS - you must install wxWebKit (web browser widget) first as per instructions here -

* windows

IMPORTANT FOR ALL UPGRADING USERS - you must delete the /username/sofa folder first (after storing anything you wish to save). Inside project files, change conn_dets to con_dets.


View the full changelog

Can modify the design of tables in the default SOFA database (variable names, types, order, table names).
Able to insert and delete rows when editing value labels.
Can delete tables in the default database.
The sofa id field is now read only when designing tables and the user gets useful messages if they try to delete it or insert a new field before it.

Please download from the sourceforge links below (download numbers are being tracked from there)

* deb

IMPORTANT FOR DEB USERS - you must install wxWebKit (web browser widget) first as per instructions here -

* windows

IMPORTANT FOR ALL UPGRADING USERS - you must delete the /username/sofa folder first (after storing anything you wish to save). Inside project files, change conn_dets to con_dets.

Bug fixes
CSV importer copes with inconsistent new line characters anywhere they are encountered.
Fixed bug when a key is deleted in a value list and then OK is hit.
Removed bug where focus would move erratically when entering long lists of value labels.
Changing database or table when making table reports resets the column buttons as it should.
Numbers like 1000000000000.2 are now displayed as simple numbers instead of as 1e+12 etc.
Newly-created tables appear in the table dropdown list immediately.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

This milestone contains Public information
Everyone can see this information.