SOFA Statistics 0.9.24

On-line help now integrated with all statistical tests.
Added additional tips to help users choose a statistical test.
Password fields now hide passwords.

Downloads ************************************************

* deb for Ubuntu and Linux Mint ##########################

IMPORTANT FOR LINUX MINT USERS - For some mysterious reason, the SOFA Statistics shortcut (under Other)
doesn't work. But there is a simple workaround. Just drag the icon onto the desktop. That icon will work. There seems to be something a little quirky about the Mint Menu.

* zipped exe for Windows #################################

* dmg file (containing mpkg package) for Mac OS X ########

WANTING TO CONNECT TO MYSQL or POSTGRESQL - The Mac version of SOFA does not currently have the MySQL and PostgreSQL connectors included (unlike the Ubuntu/Linux Mint and Windows versions). A manual process is possible but it is not currently simple enough for packaging. Please contact us at if you would like to install the extra database connectors. We can supply detailed instructions plus some email support.

* source code ############################################
Help can be found at

Milestone information

SOFA Statistics
Grant Paton-Simpson
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
No users assigned to blueprints and bugs.
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
No bugs are targeted to this milestone.

Download files for this release

File Description Downloads

Release notes 

On-line help now integrated with all statistical tests.
Added additional tips to help users choose a statistical test.
Password fields now hide passwords.

Downloads ************************************************

* deb for Ubuntu and Linux Mint ##########################

IMPORTANT FOR LINUX MINT USERS - For some mysterious reason, the SOFA Statistics shortcut (under Other)
doesn't work. But there is a simple workaround. Just drag the icon onto the desktop. That icon will work. There seems to be something a little quirky about the Mint Menu.

* zipped exe for Windows #################################

* dmg file (containing mpkg package) for Mac OS X ########

WANTING TO CONNECT TO MYSQL or POSTGRESQL - The Mac version of SOFA does not currently have the MySQL and PostgreSQL connectors included (unlike the Ubuntu/Linux Mint and Windows versions). A manual process is possible but it is not currently simple enough for packaging. Please contact us at if you would like to install the extra database connectors. We can supply detailed instructions plus some email support.

* source code ############################################
Help can be found at


View the full changelog

On-line help now integrated with all statistical tests.
Added additional tips to help users choose a statistical test.
Password fields now hide passwords.

Downloads ************************************************

* deb for Ubuntu and Linux Mint ##########################

IMPORTANT FOR LINUX MINT USERS - For some mysterious reason, the SOFA Statistics shortcut (under Other)
doesn't work. But there is a simple workaround. Just drag the icon onto the desktop. That icon will work. There seems to be something a little quirky about the Mint Menu.

* zipped exe for Windows #################################

* dmg file (containing mpkg package) for Mac OS X ########

WANTING TO CONNECT TO MYSQL or POSTGRESQL - The Mac version of SOFA does not currently have the MySQL and PostgreSQL connectors included (unlike the Ubuntu/Linux Mint and Windows versions). A manual process is possible but it is not currently simple enough for packaging. Please contact us at <email address hidden> if you would like to install the extra database connectors. We can supply detailed instructions plus some email support.

* source code ############################################
Help can be found at

Bug fixes ************************************************

Major bug fix for problem introduced in 0.9.23 which prevented Excel importing.
PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server now cope with databases which are listed but where a connection is not possible e.g. because of permissions.
Fixed minor bug in sqlite table name test - now commits when making table and before dropping it so a chance to succeed or fail on individual step. Otherwise, net effect is no change (table added and removed) so no chance to fail.
Safer reading and executing project and variable detail code in Windows (change new lines to required sort).
Now possible to run test code in Windows (change new lines to required sort).
Fixed bug when refreshing default sofa tables but not in the sofa sqlite connection.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

This milestone contains Public information
Everyone can see this information.