SOFA Statistics 0.9.25

Changing folder locations from sofa to sofastats. If you are reinstalling SOFA and wish to keep previous settings, rename your existing username/sofa folder to username/sofastats first.
More useful version upgrade checking. Auto-checking for any version upgrades is now the default. Users can disable this feature by selecting the "No checking" option, or only auto-check for major upgrades. This feature only reads the contents of a small text file on the domain containing the latest version number.
SOFA suggests names more likely to be valid when user selects a file for importing.
Can now import csv files with a txt extension.
MySQL and PostgreSQL can now accept blank passwords.
Better message for user if comtypes problem.
Windows and Mac versions will no longer accept being launched with Python 2.7 and will give useful messages about fixing the problem. For Windows, the importance of installing the site-packages to python26 rather than python27 is explained.
Mac version uses new, easier-to-install library to connect to MySQL databases.

Downloads ************************************************

* deb for Ubuntu and Linux Mint ##########################

If you have a version of SOFA Statistics installed which is 0.9.24 or earlier, run the following command in the terminal before installing the new version:
sudo apt-get remove sofa
Your data will remain safe in /home/username/sofa and you can copy sofa_db and any vdt or proj files to /home/username/sofastats (in the matching subfolders).

IMPORTANT FOR LINUX MINT USERS - For some mysterious reason, the SOFA Statistics shortcut (under Other)
doesn't work. But there is a simple workaround. Just drag the icon onto the desktop. That icon will work. There seems to be something a little quirky about the Mint Menu.

* zipped exe for Windows #################################

* dmg file (containing mpkg package) for Mac OS X ########

WANTING TO CONNECT TO MYSQL or POSTGRESQL - The Mac version of SOFA does not currently have the MySQL and PostgreSQL connectors included (unlike the Ubuntu/Linux Mint and Windows versions). A manual process is possible but it is not currently simple enough for packaging. Please contact us at if you would like to install the extra database connectors. We can supply detailed instructions plus some email support.

* source code ############################################
Help can be found at

Milestone information

SOFA Statistics
Grant Paton-Simpson
Release registered:
Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
No users assigned to blueprints and bugs.
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
No bugs are targeted to this milestone.

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File Description Downloads

Release notes 

Changing folder locations from sofa to sofastats. If you are reinstalling SOFA and wish to keep previous settings, rename your existing username/sofa folder to username/sofastats first.
More useful version upgrade checking. Auto-checking for any version upgrades is now the default. Users can disable this feature by selecting the "No checking" option, or only auto-check for major upgrades. This feature only reads the contents of a small text file on the domain containing the latest version number.
SOFA suggests names more likely to be valid when user selects a file for importing.
Can now import csv files with a txt extension.
MySQL and PostgreSQL can now accept blank passwords.
Better message for user if comtypes problem.
Windows and Mac versions will no longer accept being launched with Python 2.7 and will give useful messages about fixing the problem. For Windows, the importance of installing the site-packages to python26 rather than python27 is explained.
Mac version uses new, easier-to-install library to connect to MySQL databases.

Downloads ************************************************

* deb for Ubuntu and Linux Mint ##########################

If you have a version of SOFA Statistics installed which is 0.9.24 or earlier, run the following command in the terminal before installing the new version:
sudo apt-get remove sofa
Your data will remain safe in /home/username/sofa and you can copy sofa_db and any vdt or proj files to /home/username/sofastats (in the matching subfolders).

IMPORTANT FOR LINUX MINT USERS - For some mysterious reason, the SOFA Statistics shortcut (under Other)
doesn't work. But there is a simple workaround. Just drag the icon onto the desktop. That icon will work. There seems to be something a little quirky about the Mint Menu.

* zipped exe for Windows #################################

* dmg file (containing mpkg package) for Mac OS X ########

WANTING TO CONNECT TO MYSQL or POSTGRESQL - The Mac version of SOFA does not currently have the MySQL and PostgreSQL connectors included (unlike the Ubuntu/Linux Mint and Windows versions). A manual process is possible but it is not currently simple enough for packaging. Please contact us at if you would like to install the extra database connectors. We can supply detailed instructions plus some email support.

* source code ############################################
Help can be found at


View the full changelog

Changing folder locations from sofa to sofastats. If you are reinstalling SOFA and wish to keep previous settings, rename your existing username/sofa folder to username/sofastats first.
More useful version upgrade checking. Auto-checking for any version upgrades is now the default. Users can disable this feature by selecting the "No checking" option, or only auto-check for major upgrades. This feature only reads the contents of a small text file on the domain containing the latest version number.
SOFA suggests names more likely to be valid when user selects a file for importing.
Can now import csv files with a txt extension.
MySQL and PostgreSQL can now accept blank passwords.
Better message for user if comtypes problem.
Windows and Mac versions will no longer accept being launched with Python 2.7 and will give useful messages about fixing the problem. For Windows, the importance of installing the site-packages to python26 rather than python27 is explained.
Mac version uses new, easier-to-install library to connect to MySQL databases.

Downloads ************************************************

* deb for Ubuntu and Linux Mint ##########################

If you have a version of SOFA Statistics installed which is 0.9.24 or earlier, run the following command in the terminal before installing the new version:
sudo apt-get remove sofa
Your data will remain safe in /home/username/sofa and you can copy sofa_db and any vdt or proj files to /home/username/sofastats (in the matching subfolders).

IMPORTANT FOR LINUX MINT USERS - For some mysterious reason, the SOFA Statistics shortcut (under Other)
doesn't work. But there is a simple workaround. Just drag the icon onto the desktop. That icon will work. There seems to be something a little quirky about the Mint Menu.

* zipped exe for Windows #################################

* dmg file (containing mpkg package) for Mac OS X ########

WANTING TO CONNECT TO MYSQL or POSTGRESQL - The Mac version of SOFA does not currently have the MySQL and PostgreSQL connectors included (unlike the Ubuntu/Linux Mint and Windows versions). A manual process is possible but it is not currently simple enough for packaging. Please contact us at <email address hidden> if you would like to install the extra database connectors. We can supply detailed instructions plus some email support.

* source code ############################################
Help can be found at

Bug fixes ************************************************

Fixed numerous recode bugs - mostly to do with application of recoded value labels.
Fixed bug when making a new table with an existing name. Now stays open to give user choice as to what to do next e.g. change table name.
Fixed misc bugs when deleting/adding/renaming tables while a database other than the default SOFA database is selected.
Fixed bug running frequency table using MySQL where the category items are long integers.
Fixed bug where Data List report selected and then the database is changed.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

This milestone contains Public information
Everyone can see this information.