Specto 0.1

Milestone information

Jeff Fortin Tam
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2006-10-24 Giulio lotti, Jean-François Fortin & Thomas McColgan
    * gettext support, finally Specto can be translated into different languages !
    * new and better (translatable) quicktips
    * small bug fixes
    * added French translation
    * added Romanian translation, thanks to Adrian Petrescu
    * generic stuff for the 0.1 release (cleanup, roadmap, todos, etc)

2006-10-21 Jean-François Fortin
    * (bug #65931) removing a watch did not remove "updated = False", which caused crashes and corruption

2006-10-19 Wout Clymans
    * code cleanup and documentation for the functions added

2006-10-15 Giulio Lotti
    * proper libnotify support. The dependency on libnotify-bin is now deprecated for a dependency on python-notify

2006-09-27 Wout Clymans
    * (bug #60261) mime is used when you open a file watch
    * play sound when an error or an update occur

2006-09-26 Jean-François Fortin
    * (bug #49811) when the website you are watching is a syndication feed, specto will point to the correct 'real' URL when you open the page.
    * (bug #55324) display the toolbar by default

2006-09-13 Jean-François Fortin
    * (bug #60261) no action associated with file watch - it now opens the parent directory containing the file

2006-09-13 Jean-François Fortin
    * gmail watches now clear themselves when your unread message count reaches zero
    * this introduces bug #60279

2006-09-13 Wout Clymans
    * added file watch support (alpha)

2006-09-08 Jean-François Fortin
    * fixed how the gmail unread messages were counted
    * killed the IM watch. It never existed anyway.

2006-09-07 Jean-François Fortin
    * (bug #54275) better gmail unread message counting
    * display the number of unread gmail messages
    * (bug #54463) truncate the URLs if they are too long to be displayed in notifier
    * (bug #49616) by displaying a warning dialog if you try to quit specto before it has finished checking watches for the first time
    * various small enhancements

2006-08-30 Wout Clymans
 * error icon is shown when there was an error in the update

2006-08-19 Wout Clymans
 * added icon to the about dialog
 * when you add a web watch,"http://" is added if necessary
 * watches are always updated top-down
 * sorting choice is stored in a gconf key
 * checkbox is checked before the update from the watch when you activate it
 * log file can be opened and cleared from the preferences dialog

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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