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110 of 51 releases

3.2-for-5.5.34-10.0.9 release from the spider-3.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

  MariaDB 10.0 support.
Function addition
- Add server parameter "spider_log_result_error_with_sql", "spider_version", "spider_internal_xa_id_type", "spider_casual_read", "spider_dry_access" and "spider_delete_all_rows_type".
- Add table parameter "casual_read" and "delete_all_rows_type".
- Performance improvement for between with "use_handler = 1".


Bug fix
- Sometimes get error at using count() and in().
- Sometimes reset auto_increment value at recreating partitioned Spider table.
- Get error at using direct aggregate and index merge.
- Invalid memory access at using sharding, fulltext searching and index merge.
- Does not use where clause for data node if direct_update is user in trigger.
- Get wrong result when using current_date on a spider table.
- Get syntax error at using between with "use_handler = 1".
- Sometimes server crash at using spider_copy_tables().
- Does not use background search for "show records".
- Sometimes get wrong result at using "group by" and "min()" without index.
- Sometimes slave server crash at using Spider table with multiple master replicaton.
- Get assertion failure at using spider_direct_sql() with MariaDB 10.0.6.
- Sometimes get wrong result at using "count" and "group by" without "order by".
- Cause error at using xa transaction with "spider_support_xa=1" and "spider_internal_xa=1".
- Server crash at fulltext searching without fulltext index.

File Description Downloads
download icon mariadb-10.0.9-spider-3.2-vp-1.1-mroonga-4.0.tgz (md5) rc source 1,296
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
download icon mysql-5.5.34-spider-3.2-vp-1.1-hs-1.2-q4m-0.95.tgz (md5) rc source 2,806
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
download icon spider-init-3.2-for-5.5.34-10.0.9.tgz (md5) rc installer 440
last downloaded 11 weeks ago
download icon spider-src-3.2-for-5.5.34-10.0.9.tgz (md5) rc source 392
last downloaded 8 days ago
download icon spider-doc-3.2-for-5.5.34-10.0.9.tgz (md5) rc document 545
last downloaded 9 weeks ago
Total downloads: 5,479

3.1-for-5.5.34 release from the spider-3.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

Function addition
- Add server parameter "spider_general_log" and "spider_log_result_errors".
- Add table parameter "force_bulk_update" and "force_bulk_delete".
- Add "spider_bka_mode=2" and "bka_mode=2".
- Add "mysql.spider_xa_failed_log" table.
- Performance improvement for "COUNT", "MAX", "MIN" and "SUM" without join and distinct.
- Performance improvement for fulltext search.
- Add case of parallel searching.
attention: "semi_split_read=2" is default value from this version. If you want to use previous version's setting, please set "semi_split_read=0".


Bug fix
- Fix virtual memory explosion.
- Fix resetting autoincrement value at adding partition.
- Fix bug for "auto_increment_mode=0" with multiple Spider node.
- Fix sometimes get "commands out of sync" at using "spider_conn_recycle_mode=1" and "spider_quick_mode=2"
- Fix sometimes cause deadlocking at opening tables
- With SPIDER plugin installed, XA COMMIT/ROLLBACK after recovery causes assertion `! is_set()' failure in Diagnostics_area::set_ok_status MDEV-4739
- Assertion `! is_set()' fails in Diagnostics_area::set_ok_status on UPDATE which violates constraint on a remote table MDEV-4736
- fix crash at thd_wait_begin() at starting up
- Assertion `! is_set()' fails in Diagnostics_area::set_ok_status on attempt to create a temporary SPIDER table connecting to non-existing source MDEV-4735
- INSERT DELAYED on a SPIDER table doesn't produce ER_DELAYED_NOT_SUPPORTED, doesn't work like delayed, and doesn't honor lock_wait_timeout like normal INSERT MDEV-4738
- Server crashes in spider_mysql_handler::append_match_against on SELECT .. MATCH .. AGAINST .. BOOLEAN MODE MDEV-4737
- Spider engine causes compilation errors if compiled without partitioning MDEV-4949
- Fix a case of different linked table name for mrr.
- Fix mrr duplicate key
- Fix for xa transaction restart when disconnection data node
- Server crashes on attempt to change engine on a SPIDER table MDEV-4733
- Server crashes on attempt to create a SPIDER table with a wrong version of mysql.spider_tables MDEV-4732
- Spider crash on show create table spider table and replication multi source to one of the partitions MDEV-4797

File Description Downloads
download icon mysql-5.5.34-spider-3.1-vp-1.0-hs-1.2-q4m-0.95.tgz (md5) beta source 274
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
download icon spider-init-3.1-for-5.5.34.tgz (md5) beta installer 120
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
download icon spider-src-3.1-for-5.5.34.tgz (md5) beta source 133
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
download icon spider-doc-3.1-for-5.5.34.tgz (md5) beta document 155
last downloaded 11 weeks ago
Total downloads: 682

3.0-for-5.5.14 release from the spider-3.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

Function addition
- Support link to oracle tables.(Need rebuilding Spider on Oracle client library installed server)
- Support handlersocket bulk access feature.
- Performance improvement for "insert on duplicate key update" with "direct_dup_insert=1".
- Add server parameter "spider_bulk_access_free".
- Add table parameter "pk_name", "sequence_name", "bulk_access_free".


Bug fix
- Sometimes, server crash at using XA transaction.
- Server crash at using "alter table tp1 TRUNCATE PARTITION p1".
- Sometimes, get wrong ordered result at using "direct_order_limit".
- Sometimes, get short number of records at using "direct_order_limit" and "spider_bgs_mode=1".
- Sometimes, change "null string" to "null" in result when using "quick_mode=3".
- Does not work DATE_SUB() correctly.
- Sometimes, get no record at using multiple column index with "is null".
- Sometimes, does not use statistics information for executing plan.
- Sometimes, get "Illegal mix of collations" error at using utf8_unicode_ci table.
attention: "spider_force_commit=1" is default value from this version. If you want to use previous version's setting, please set "spider_force_commit=0".

File Description Downloads
download icon mysql-5.5.14-spider-3.0-vp-0.18-hs-1.2-q4m-0.95.tgz (md5) beta source 405
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
download icon spider-init-3.0-for-5.5.14.tgz (md5) beta binary 141
last downloaded 18 weeks ago
download icon spider-src-3.0-for-5.5.14.tgz (md5) beta source 153
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
download icon spider-doc-3.0-for-5.5.14.tgz (md5) beta document 270
last downloaded 12 weeks ago
Total downloads: 969

2.28-for-5.5.14 release from the spider-2.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

Function addition
- Support parallel searching. ("spider_bgs_mode > 0")
- Add server parameter "spider_use_default_database" and "spider_remote_default_database".
- Add table parameter "access_balance".
- Add INFORMATION SCHEMA "spider_alloc_mem".
- Add value of 3 to "quick_mode"(table parameter) and "spider_quick_mode"(server parameter).


Bug fix
- Sometimes server crash at opening tables if number of opened tables equals open_table_cache.
- Get an error at using "case" with "engine-condition-pushdown".
- Get wrong result when using "order by" and "limit" with "spider_bka_mode=1" and "spider_direct_order_limit".
- Get a duplicate entry error at multiple bulk inserting with "spider_auto_increment_mode=1".
- Can't use max server_id for management table "spider_link_mon_servers".
- Some cases delete failed at deleting with the delete trigger.

File Description Downloads
download icon mysql-5.5.14-spider-2.28-vp-0.17-hs-1.1-q4m-0.95.tgz (md5) beta source 676
last downloaded 30 weeks ago
download icon spider-src-2.28-for-5.5.14.tgz (md5) beta source 252
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
download icon spider-init-2.28-for-5.5.14.tgz (md5) beta binary 218
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
download icon spider-doc-2.28-for-5.5.14.tgz (md5) beta document 387
last downloaded 30 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,533

2.27-for-5.5.14 release from the spider-2.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

Function addition
- Support R-Tree index.
- Support direct updating for SQL access.
- Support handlersocket increment and decrement.
- Change table parameter from "net_timeout" to "connect_timeout", "net_read_timeout" and "net_write_timeout".
- Change server parameter from "spider_net_timeout" to "spider_connect_timeout", "spider_net_read_timeout" and "spider_net_write_timeout".
- Add UDF paramter "access_mode". "spider_direct_sql" support handlersocket access.
- Add server parameter "spider_hs_ping_interval", "spider_error_read_mode" and "spider_error_write_mode".
- Add table parameter "hs_write_to_read", "error_read_mode" and "error_write_mode".
- Performance improvement for "COUNT(*)", "MAX" and "MIN" without clause.


Bug fix
- Server crash at executing "alter table".

File Description Downloads
download icon mysql-5.5.14-spider-2.27-vp-0.16-hs-1.0-q4m-0.95a.tgz (md5) beta source 390
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
download icon mysql-5.5.14-spider-2.27-vp-0.16-hs-1.0-q4m-0.95.tgz (md5) beta source 97
last downloaded 17 weeks ago
download icon spider-init-2.27-for-5.5.14.tgz (md5) beta binary 89
last downloaded 59 weeks ago
download icon spider-src-2.27-for-5.5.14.tgz (md5) beta source 89
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon spider-doc-2.27-for-5.5.14.tgz (md5) beta document 159
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
Total downloads: 824

2.26-for-5.5.14 release from the spider-2.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

Function addition
- Add table parameter "active_link_count", "read_only_mode", "first_read" and "second_read".
- Add server parameter "spider_read_only_mode", "spider_first_read", "spider_second_read", "spider_remote_time_zone" and "spider_sync_time_zone".
- Reducing access to data nodes.


Bug fix
- Sometimes, server crash at generating SQL.
- Can't generate auto-increment value at Spider node.
- Use different table name for lock table statement to data node if Spider's HA mode is used with a pair of different table name.

File Description Downloads
download icon mysql-5.5.14-spider-2.26-vp-0.15-hs-1.0.tgz (md5) beta source 2,761
last downloaded 58 weeks ago
download icon spider-init-2.26-for-5.5.14.tgz (md5) beta binary 156
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon spider-src-2.26-for-5.5.14.tgz (md5) beta source 123
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
download icon spider-doc-2.26-for-5.5.14.tgz (md5) beta document 169
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
Total downloads: 3,209

2.25-for-5.5.8 release from the spider-2.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

Function addition
- Add table parameter "skip_default_condition" and "direct_order_limit".
- Add server parameter "spider_skip_default_condition" and "spider_direct_order_limit".
- Add UDF "spider_flush_table_mon_cache".
- Wild card for monitoring server information is now available.


Bug fix
- Server crash at using "spider_direct_sql".
- MySQL crashes during an ALTER TABLE for partition maintenance(Bug #719934)
- ASSERTION at using "spider_copy_tables" in MySQL 5.5.

File Description Downloads
download icon mysql-5.5.8-spider-2.25-vp-0.14-hs-1.0-linux-x86_64-glibc23.tgz (md5) beta binary 169
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
download icon mysql-5.5.8-spider-2.25-vp-0.14-hs-1.0.tgz (md5) beta source 234
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon spider-init-2.25-for-5.5.8.tgz (md5) beta binary 93
last downloaded 12 days ago
download icon spider-src-2.25-for-5.5.8.tgz (md5) beta source 96
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon spider-doc-2.25-for-5.5.8.tgz (md5) beta document 157
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
Total downloads: 749

2.24-for-5.5.8 release from the spider-2.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

  MySQL 5.5 support.
  handlersocket support.
Function addition
- It's available to set monitoring_node for per table, per link_id and per pertition to mysql.spider_link_mon_servers.
- Add table parameter "hs_read_port", "hs_write_port", "use_handler", "use_hs_read", "use_hs_write", "hs_read_socket" and "hs_write_socket".
- Add server parameter "spider_use_handler", "spider_use_hs_read", "spider_use_hs_write", "spider_hs_r_conn_recycle_mode", "spider_hs_r_conn_recycle_strict", "spider_hs_w_conn_recycle_mode" and "spider_hs_w_conn_recycle_strict".
- Add value of 3 to "auto_increment_mode"(table parameter) and "spider_auto_increment_mode"(server parameter).


Bug fix
- Didn't update cached monitoring status at executing "alter table".
- Memory leak at executing "uninstall plugin".
- Get an error "Column 'id' in where clause is ambiguous" at updating, if updated table has a column named 'id'.
- Update only one record in a table without PK even if you update some records.
- MySQL crashes during an ALTER TABLE(Bug #697701)

File Description Downloads
download icon mysql-5.5.8-spider-2.24-vp-0.13-hs-1.0-linux-x86_64-glibc23.tgz (md5) beta binary 177
last downloaded 59 weeks ago
download icon mysql-5.5.8-spider-2.24-vp-0.13-hs-1.0.tgz (md5) beta source 250
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
download icon spider-init-2.24-for-5.5.8.tgz (md5) beta binary 132
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
download icon spider-src-2.24-for-5.5.8.tgz (md5) beta source 113
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
download icon spider-doc-2.24-for-5.5.8.tgz (md5) beta document 168
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
Total downloads: 840

2.23-for-5.1.44 release from the spider-2.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

Function addition
- Add server parameter "spider_udf_ct_bulk_insert_interval" and "spider_udf_ct_bulk_insert_rows".


Bug fix
- Server crash at monitoring without database name in "create table" and "create server".
- Server crash at using "index_merge".
- Server crash at using old system tales.
- Updated records has only updated columns if records are updated with moving partition.

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) beta binary 143
last downloaded 58 weeks ago
download icon mysql-5.1.44-spider-2.23-vp-0.12-linux-i686-glibc23.tgz (md5) beta binary 150
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon mysql-5.1.44-spider-2.23-vp-0.12-linux-x86_64-glibc23.tgz (md5) beta binary 266
last downloaded 12 days ago
download icon mysql-5.1.44-spider-2.23-vp-0.12.tgz (md5) beta source 628
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon spider-init-2.23-for-5.1.44.tgz (md5) beta binary 235
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
download icon spider-2.23-for-mysql-5.1.44-linux-x86_64-glibc23.tgz (md5) beta binary 91
last downloaded 58 weeks ago
download icon spider-2.23-for-mysql-5.1.44-linux-i686-glibc23.tgz (md5) beta binary 69
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
download icon spider-src-2.23-for-5.1.44.tgz (md5) beta source 218
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon spider-doc-2.23-for-5.1.44.tgz (md5) beta document 232
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
Total downloads: 2,032

2.22-for-5.1.44 release from the spider-2.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

  MS Windows support.
Function addition
- Add UDF "spider_copy_tables".


Bug fix
- Server crash at somecases of using "spider_bgs_mode=1".
- An error is caused if "CAST" and user-defined variables are used with "Engine-condition-pushdown".
- Server crash at somecases of using "monitoring_bg_kind>=1".
- Can't execute "alter table" statement if remote DB is down.
- Can't join at using "spider_bka_mode" with 2 or more joining columns.

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) beta binary 55
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
download icon mysql-5.1.44-spider-2.22-vp-0.11-linux-i686-glibc23.tgz (md5) beta binary 37
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
download icon mysql-5.1.44-spider-2.22-vp-0.11-linux-x86_64-glibc23.tgz (md5) beta binary 68
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
download icon mysql-5.1.44-spider-2.22-vp-0.11.tar.gz (md5) beta source 77
last downloaded 58 weeks ago
download icon spider-init-2.22-for-5.1.44.tgz (md5) beta binary 46
last downloaded 12 weeks ago
download icon spider-2.22-for-mysql-5.1.44-linux-i686-glibc23.tgz (md5) beta binary 34
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
download icon spider-2.22-for-mysql-5.1.44-linux-x86_64-glibc23.tgz (md5) beta binary 44
last downloaded 58 weeks ago
download icon spider-src-2.22-for-5.1.44.tgz (md5) beta source 121
last downloaded 58 weeks ago
download icon spider-doc-2.22-for-5.1.44.tgz (md5) beta document 95
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
Total downloads: 577

110 of 51 releases