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Swatchbooker 0.7

Written for SwatchBooker by Olivier Berten on 2010-06-20

What's new since 0.6?

SwatchBooker comes now in 2 flavors: an editor (like before) and a batch convertor.

The internal model and subsequently the file format (now in version 0.7) have changed. I now separate the content ("material") and the display ("swatches" in a "swatch book"). This brings a new pane called "Available materials" from which you can drag and drop materials to the swatch book itself (in tree view only). This means also that a single material could be put at several places in the swatch book.

Grid and tree view are now mutually exclusive.
You can now choose the orientation of the grid (vertical or horizontal).

I added read support for Corel X5 swatches (the first multilingual palettes) and updated the Pantone web plugin for using the values from the new X-Ref tool.

Two new translations: Brazilian Portuguese (thanks to Farid Abdelnour) and Ukranian (thanks to Sergiy Gavrylov)

And of course, many bugfixes.

Swatchbooker 0.6

Written for SwatchBooker by Olivier Berten on 2010-02-28

A new release before a deep cleanup...

What's new?

    * drag-n-drop supported inside a swatchbook
    * textual informations are localizable
    * download swatches from some websites (Pantone, RAL,, ...)
    * SwatchBooker is translated in French, Russian (thanks to Alexandre Prokoudine) and German (thanks to Christoph Schäfer)

Since my programming skills have improved since the beginning of this project, I plan rewriting some code and changing the internal model which will reflect on the file format... Stay tuned for 0.7 ;-)

Swatchbooker 0.5

Written for SwatchBooker by Olivier Berten on 2010-01-18

Here's a new release so that you know that the project is still alive ;-)

    * SwatchBooker is now translatable
    * I also added a command-line convert utility (
    * New "extra" field for non-standard informations
    * More editing features
    * + lots of bugfixes

Some information about SwatchBooker's own file format:

Swatchbooker 0.4

Written for SwatchBooker by Olivier Berten on 2009-09-19

Getting further... little by little.

    * SwatchBooker is now color managed
    * new file format (sbz)

Swatchbooker 0.3

Written for SwatchBooker by Olivier Berten on 2009-01-23

Finally editing features!

There's still a long way to a full working software but now it is an viewer/converter/editor (still for colors only)

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