Comment 5 for bug 608725

Revision history for this message
Bob (rclocal) wrote :

To be honest, I think it's far too early to consider internationalisation, two big reasons :

1/ The current Swift code is far too willing to just to a straight stacktrace dump, hence generating incomprehensible cryptic messages. Until the development community start implementing try/catch consistently, it's fairly pointless at looking at translating the few messages that are caught and/or event messages generated.

2/ Having contributed a handful of French translations myself, I have decided to stop. Why ? Because the original English language messages are so lousy ! There's no consistency. Both in the formatting of the messages (for example some have a prefix, some don't when they should). There's no consistency in the wording either..... some are multiple lines of unecessary waffle, others are too short. Some use abbreviations, others don't. Some are written in all caps for no good reason, some are not. Some are informally worded, others are not. Others are missing basic punctuation and grammar (e.g. "CannotSendRequest" what happened to the spaces ?) The list goes on.

Sorry to pour rain on the parade, but until the basic Swift code is fixed, along side its original English language messages, there is not much point putting effort into translating anything.