Comment 4 for bug 961640

Revision history for this message
David Chamard (cppege430dtvg7d-david) wrote :

Thanks for followup .. I basically get install swift proxy 1.4.7 from the official core release ppa with the depencies on a fresh precise installation.
Then.. when its in cluster.. I run: swift-bench bench.conf


auth =
user =gloubier
key = xkIf8XqIJ_Y7ket6z6Q_v62YKlDlrZoMf0vbrfJH_BySKedYp1NKRi_if7mYPBaBg3EBGI6YO-vGxj8Wuja9yA
concurrency = 10
object_size = 5
num_objects = 100
num_gets = 20000
delete = yes