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110 of 14 releases

1.5.0 (I can has codename kplsthx?) release from the 1.5 series released

Release information
Release notes:

New features in this release are:

- Code cleanup
- MUCH improved navigation
- Support for other new features
- Formatting toolbars

- Page password protection
- Page categories
- New style

- Updates
- Upgrader redesigned to make less data loss
- Improved theme

File Description Downloads
download icon swishcontent-1.5.tar.bz2 (md5) SwishCONTENT 1.5 package 31
last downloaded 3 days ago
Total downloads: 31

1.5beta (Lockdown) release from the 1.5 series released

Release information
Release notes:

WARNING: We do not support upgrades to a beta release, you MUST wipe your database and recreate it to avoid problems. You may modify your database by checking the dump file and editing accordingly, but we will not accept any bugs caused by this method.

The changes in this release are:

 - Final theme changes to Admin CP
 -> Fix for IE
 -> Improved page list
 - Password protection for pages
 -> Set/Unset
 -> Identification
 - Easier to understand error messages.

 - Password protected page login
 - Site logout
 - Improved theme in places
 - Easier to understand error messages.

 - Updated installation scripts to support new features


 - Final theme changes to Admin CP
 -> Fix for IE
 -> Improved page list
 - Password protection for pages
 -> Set/Unset
 -> Identification
 - Easier to understand error messages.

 - Password protected page login
 - Site logout
 - Improved theme in places
 - Easier to understand error messages.

 - Updated installation scripts to support new features

File Description Downloads
download icon swishcontent-1.5beta.tar.bz2 (md5) SwishCONTENT 1.5 Beta 12
last downloaded 9 days ago
Total downloads: 12

1.5a2 (Squish!) release from the 1.5 series released

Release information
Release notes:

WARNING: We do not support upgrades from alpha release to alpha release, you MUST wipe your database and recreate it to avoid problems. You may modify your database by checking the dump file and editing accordingly, but we will not accept any bugs caused by this method.

The changes in this release are:

 - Improved page list
 - Category support
 - You may have the same page in multiple categories
 - Formatting toolbar on page editor
 - Theme improvements

 - Theme improvements
 - Improvements to the tools
 - Category support

 - Theme improvements
 - Updated installation scripts to support new features

 - Security guard on including, so you can not view a file from a browser


 - Improved page list
 - Category support
 - You may have the same page in multiple categories
 - Formatting toolbar on page editor
 - Theme improvements

 - Theme improvements
 - Improvements to the tools
 - Category support

 - Theme improvements
 - Updated installation scripts to support new features

 - Security guard on including, so you can not view a file from a browser

File Description Downloads
download icon mysql.php (md5) Corrected database install script for alpha 2. Please replace install/install/mysql.php with this. 9
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
download icon swishcontent1.5a2.tar.bz2 (md5) SwishCONTENT 1.5 Alpha 2 11
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
Total downloads: 20

1.5 (The secret alpha1) release from the 1.5 series released

Release information
Release notes:

The changes in this release since 1.1.1 are:

- Redesigned Admin CP navigation
- More Tango icons
- Nicer input forms and tables
- Link correction and update system improvements
- Improved theme
- Redesign of core (for clearer code and hopefully speed)

- Improved theme
- Typo and link correction
- Redesign of core (for clearer code and hopefully speed)

- Improved theme

File Description Downloads
download icon swishcontent-1.5alpha1.tar.bz2 (md5) First alpha release of SwishCONTENT 1.5, test release 11
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
Total downloads: 11

1.1.3 (Mah urlz, let me shows you them) release from the 1.1 series released

Release information
Release notes:

No bugs or security flaws were fixed in this release. No database upgrade is required, but you should update the URL to SwishCMS if you have one to

- Update URLs
- Update versions

- Update URLs

- Update URLs


- Update URLs
- Update versions

- Update URLs

- Update URLs

File Description Downloads
download icon swishcontent-1.1.3.tar.bz2 (md5) SwishCONTENT 1.1.3 maintenance release 12
last downloaded 11 days ago
Total downloads: 12

1.1.2 (Festive Polish) release from the 1.1 series released

Release information
Release notes:

The single change from 1.1.1 is:

- Sanitize values on q= to fix potential security flaw

No database upgrade is needed.


- Sanitize values on q= to fix potential security flaw

File Description Downloads
download icon swishcontent-1.1.2.tar.bz2 (md5) SwishCONTENT 1.1.2 Maintenance Release 12
last downloaded 9 days ago
Total downloads: 12

1.1.1 (Filler for the holes) release from the 1.1 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Changes since SwishCONTENT 1.1 are below:
 - Write a valid HTML template
 - Valid HTML Template
 - On tables (such as Page List), highlight every even row with a shade of gray to make it easier to find the right links
 - Moved the View Site link to make it look better on smaller screens
 - Misc fixes
 - Corrected version numbers

There is probably other changes which I have forgot to mention, but are still there.


 - Write a valid HTML template
 - Valid HTML Template
 - On tables (such as Page List), highlight every even row with a shade of gray to make it easier to find the right links
 - Moved the View Site link to make it look better on smaller screens
 - Misc fixes
 - Corrected version numbers

There is probably other changes which I have forgot to mention, but are still there.

File Description Downloads
download icon swishcontent-1.1.1.tar.bz2 (md5) 1.1.1 Maintenance Release of SwishCONTENT (USE THIS!) 13
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
Total downloads: 13

1.1 (Pop goes the toast) release from the 1.1 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Changes since SwishCONTENT 1.0.1 are below:
 - New Theme
 - Support to rewrite config file
 - Ability to retry queries when one fails
 - Notes for installing with another SwishCMS product
 - Support for upgrading from 1.0.x
 - Much improved upgrade tool (added after 1.1-test)
 - New theme, with improved looks
 - Tango Icons for functions
 - Ability for administrator to deny access to Page List or Search
 - General bug fixes
 - New theme, with much improved navigation (no more hidden tables)
 - Tango icons
 - Page Template, using an old page as a template for a new page
 - Functions to disable search/page list (under Offline Settings)
 - Secondary and Tertiary Admin Accounts, with less privileges (see Admin Password in Admin for details)
 - General Bugf...


Changes since SwishCONTENT 1.0.1 are below:
 - New Theme
 - Support to rewrite config file
 - Ability to retry queries when one fails
 - Notes for installing with another SwishCMS product
 - Support for upgrading from 1.0.x
 - Much improved upgrade tool (added after 1.1-test)
 - New theme, with improved looks
 - Tango Icons for functions
 - Ability for administrator to deny access to Page List or Search
 - General bug fixes
 - New theme, with much improved navigation (no more hidden tables)
 - Tango icons
 - Page Template, using an old page as a template for a new page
 - Functions to disable search/page list (under Offline Settings)
 - Secondary and Tertiary Admin Accounts, with less privileges (see Admin Password in Admin for details)
 - General Bugfixes
 - No more Continue pages (except after Login)
 - Message at top of screen if site is offline (added since 1.1-test)

There is probably other changes which I have forgot to mention, but are still there

File Description Downloads
download icon swishcontent-1.1.tar.bz2 (md5) 1.1 Release of SwishCONTENT 12
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
Total downloads: 12

1.1-test (Bugs in the waste paper basket) release from the 1.1 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Changes since SwishCONTENT 1.0.1 are below:

- New Theme
- Support to rewrite config file
- Ability to retry queries when one fails
- Notes for installing with another SwishCMS product
- Support for upgrading from 1.0.x

- New theme, with improved looks
- Tango Icons for functions
- Ability for administrator to deny access to Page List or Search
- General bug fixes

- New theme, with much improved navigation (no more hidden tables)
- Tango icons
- Page Template, using an old page as a template for a new page
- Functions to disable search/page list (under Offline Settings)
- Secondary and Tertiary Admin Accounts, with less privileges (see Admin Password in Admin for details)
- General Bugfixes
- No more Continue pages (except after Login)

There is prob...


- New Theme
- Support to rewrite config file
- Ability to retry queries when one fails
- Notes for installing with another SwishCMS product
- Support for upgrading from 1.0.x

- New theme, with improved looks
- Tango Icons for functions
- Ability for administrator to deny access to Page List or Search
- General bug fixes

- New theme, with much improved navigation (no more hidden tables)
- Tango icons
- Page Template, using an old page as a template for a new page
- Functions to disable search/page list (under Offline Settings)
- Secondary and Tertiary Admin Accounts, with less privileges (see Admin Password in Admin for details)
- General Bugfixes
- No more Continue pages (except after Login)

File Description Downloads
download icon swishcontent-1.1-test.tar.bz2 (md5) 1.1 Test Release of SwishNEWS 11
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
Total downloads: 11

1.0.1 (Time to do the ironing) release from the 1.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Fixes in this release since 1.0 are:

 - Corrected font in admin panel.
 - Added version number to admin panel.
 - Corrected conversion of " " to "_" in page names.
 - Converted <?php and ?> to respective start/end HTML comments, as PHP code would be executed by not displayed (SECURITY).

There were no database changes in this release.

File Description Downloads
download icon swishcontent-1.0.1.tar.bz2 (md5) 1.0.1 Maintenance Release of SwishCONTENT (Use 1.1 now) 11
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
Total downloads: 11

110 of 14 releases