Gnome Control Center now compatible with Switchboard

Written for Switchboard by xapantu on 2012-01-11

During the past days we have been working on a layer compatibility plug for Switchboard. It can load every panels (= plugs) of Gnome Control Center:

Of course, we can choose which one we want - or not.

This plug directly reads the .so of Gnome Control Center, so we'll always have up to date panels. Of course, the goal of Switchboard is to have a better settings center, so, Switchboard won't just be a Gnome Control Center panels launcher. Every plugs can be improved [0], and we encourage you to develop a new Switchboard plug using elementary HIG and Granite.

[0] Since the library (.so) is launched at runtime, you can't directly improve Gnome Control Center plug for Switchboard. To improve these dynamically loaded plugs, you'll have to use this branch lp:~xapantu/pantheon-plugs/gnomecc and to compile your improved code of the panel *inside* another plug (there is a README in the branch) so you won't have to load the panel library.

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