News and announcements

TAPAAL 3.5.1

Written for TAPAAL by Jiri Srba on 2019-04-23

TAPAAL 3.5.1 is a release that fixes numerous bugs in the GUI
introduced in the 3.5.0 release and it also fixes trace generation
issue in the untimed verifypn engine.

TAPAAL 3.5.0

Written for TAPAAL by Jiri Srba on 2019-03-18

We are happy to announce the release of TAPAAL 3.5.0:

    Intervals on arcs can now be moved and placed arbitrarily
    TAPAAL model files now end with .tapn
    Removal of multiple places at the same time
    Soundness check in batch processing
    Easier sharing of places/transitions accross components
    Improved export to tikz
    GUI refactoring and numerous bug fixes

TAPAAL 3.4.3

Written for TAPAAL by Jiri Srba on 2018-06-29

We are glad to announce another update of TAPAAL 3.4.3 that

- fixes a bug in the untimed engine for partial order reduction with inhibitor arcs, and

- fixes a bug in the unfolding of colored Petri nets in the untimed engine.

This is a recommend update for all TAPAAL users.

TAPAAL 3.4.2 Release

Written for TAPAAL by Jiri Srba on 2018-05-14

We are glad to announce another update of TAPAAL 3.4.2 that

- fixes issues with PNML and XML query export of nets,

- fixes a net composition with constants on weighted arcs,

- structural transition statistics now includes the rules A to I,

- fixes an uncought exception when renaming transitions to an invalid name, and

- is distributed with the untimed engine verifypn 3.0.0 contains a general performance improvement, adds support for colored nets verification (no GUI support yet) and fixes a number of bugs for nets with inhibitors arcs, arithmetic exppressions and other small issues.

This is a highly recommend update for all TAPAAL users.

TAPAAL 3.4.1 Release

Written for TAPAAL by Jiri Srba on 2018-05-03

We are happy to announce the release of TAPAAL 3.4.1 that fixes
launching TAPAAL GUI on Mac Os X with Java 9,
conversion of Reachability to CTL queires in the query creation dialog, and
fixes in evaluating arithmetical expressions and nested deadlock queries in the untimed verifypn engine for P/T nets.

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