Comment 10 for bug 973338

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David Kranz (david-kranz) wrote :

Another wrinkle is that I filed a bug about the fact that nova-client did identify the "admin apis" in its help. I got this response:

   I don't think this is a bug, because:
   1. nova client just acts as an API caller, which does not know policy.json at all.
   2. policy.json is just one of implementations. For example, We can implementation policy with SQL backend.
   3. policy is dynamic. Operators can define their own rules in policy.

If (3) is really true then I don't understand how we can have tests that do what Daryl says above. This is really saying that whether or not a Compute API requires admin access is not part of the definition of the API. That doesn't make a lot of sense to me and seems not very helpful to users. I thought this modular implementation for extensions was so that you could add and control extensions without having to install a new release.