Comment 3 for bug 340604

Revision history for this message
Malcolm Greaves (greaves-malcolm) wrote :

Is there a way to remap key bindings for control sequences? For example, is there a way to map SIGNIT (intr) to control-K? When I am using gnome terminal I have intr=^K (set using stty). This way, I can easily use Ctrl-K to send SIGNIT to a process and have Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V as copy and paste, respectively.

When I attempt to set Ctrl-C to Copy and Ctrl-V to paste, terminator rejects the settings. If I set the keybindings, then press close on the Preferences window, then reopen the Preferences window and select the Keybindings tab the set value for both Copy and Paste is Disabled.

I'm using terminator 0.96 on Ubuntu 12.04.