Timekpr download statistics

Written for timekpr-revived by Eduards Bezverhijs on 2018-06-03

From time to time I check usage stats for Timekpr. The thing is that there is no way of knowing who uses Timekpr actively, but at least we have statistics on Timekpr download count and using a little bit of logic, we can make an educated guess about actual userbase.

Currently there are ~ 1000 downloads after a week of publishing the newest version. I like the numbers shortly after a release because they are most likely updates on existing installations and can be counted as active userbase. If I'll check stats after couple of months, they will most likely go up due to ppl checking out newer version. Like a year ago, highest download count I could see was ~ 3000 downloads in ~ half a year or so.
As far as I know statistics work only for latest version published per ubuntu release.

Download count on latest version per arch is: 85% 64bit, 14% 32bit and 1% arm.
An interesting fact - if I check total download count including obsolete versions of Timekpr, arm/i386 is 1/3, which is not bad for an arm.

The latest version is the most compatible, dependencies are greatly solved and finally KDE5 seems to be fixed to working order. Those who previously had dependency problems / overhaul due to polkit-gnome (if any of users even notice this), then this problem is gone for good.

Another thing - I took my courage pill and made a donation link, so if You think I deserve a cup of coffee, glass of rum or just want to contribute, please do so: https://tinyurl.com/yc9x85v2 .

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