The Mana World

Patch release

Milestone information

The Mana World
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Release notes 

Major bugfix release. Also, the ability to change your password was added.


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- Added the ability to change your password after logging in
- The leader of a party is now displayed in bold
- Status window was reorganized to allow larger numbers to be displayed
- The client no longer quits when it can't find the current map
- Fixed position of floating text for damage, pickup and experience
- Fixed a possible crash on logging in to the map server
- Fixed the crash when shift-clicking an item in the inventory
- Fixed a crash related to item links in the chat window
- Fixed a crash on whispering somebody again after closing their tab
- Fixed lightspeed bug when stopping to attack
- Fixed the -S/--home-dir command line option
- Fixed Reset Windows to also reset the party window
- Fixed problems with the context menu in the Brazilian translation
- Fixed resetting the height of the chat on /clear
- Fixed playing of login song and the music after login
- Fixed a problem with the player skipping corners, desyncing from the server
- Small optimizations to OpenGL mode when drawing certain GUI widgets
- Updated Spanish, Polish, Portugese, Swedish, French and German translations

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