Comment 4 for bug 1284424

Revision history for this message
Robert Collins (lifeless) wrote :

Once we gather whatever data is needed:

11:14 < lifeless> SpamapS: hey, you had a query to fix quotas in the ci-overcloud right ?
11:14 < SpamapS> lifeless: yes... it was...
11:14 < lifeless> SpamapS: perhaps put a copy of it in
11:14 < uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1284424 in tripleo "nova quota statistics can be incorrect" [High,Triaged]
11:15 < SpamapS> update quota_usages set in_use=-1 where project_id='64d2d3bc07084ef1accd4e3502909c77';
11:15 < SpamapS> lifeless: that id == nodepool
11:15 < lifeless> that forces a native recalculate?
11:16 < SpamapS> lifeless: it did for me
11:16 < SpamapS> which begs the question..