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New releases feature dramatic usability improvements

Written for TurnKey Linux by Alon Swartz on 2008-10-19

Since our initial release a few weeks ago, we've been busy working the kinks out of our current crop of appliances.

Our main focus has been to try and figure out how to dramatically improve the usability of the handful of appliances we have released so that they appeal to a much wider audience (e.g., not everybody likes mucking around with the command line).

New versions of the lamp, joomla, drupal appliances now feature:

    * easy to use configuration console (written from scratch in Python)
    * a beautiful web administration interface
    * auto-login while in demo/live mode
    * root password configuration during installation

In addition to numerous other improvements, updates and bugfixes.

Detailed information and screenshots are available in the appliances section on the website, along with their respective release notes.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to test the previous versions we released and provide us with valuable feedback.

Remember, these are still beta appliances so be patient. Everything seems to work fine in our testing environment, but to make sure it works for everyone we need the community to help us with testing and to let us know if they come across any bugs or issues.


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