Twisted 13.0.0

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Thomas Herve
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Release notes 

 * A new "Introduction to Deferreds" document that you can find here:

 * A fix in twisted.web.template where attributes were not quoted
properly, risking HTML injection.

 * Support for unicode domain names in twisted.names SRVConnector and
Name classes, after a 12.3 regression.

 * A workaround for platform limitations when trying to schedule events
far in the future.


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Twisted Core 13.0.0 (2013-03-19)

 - The twisted.protocols.ftp.FTP server now treats "LIST -La", "LIST
   -al", and all other combinations of ordering and case of the "-l"
   and "-a" flags the same: by ignoring them rather than treating them
   as a pathname. (#1333)
 - twisted.python.log.FileLogObserver now uses `datetime.strftime` to
   format timestamps, adding support for microseconds and timezone
   offsets to the `timeFormat` string. (#3513)
 - trial now deterministically runs tests in the order in which they
   were specified on the command line, instead of quasi-randomly
   according to dictionary key ordering. (#5520)
 - Cooperator.running can be used to determine the current cooperator
   status. (#5937)
 - twisted.python.modules.PythonPath now implements `__contains__` to
   allow checking, by name, whether a particular module exists within
   it. (#6198)
 - twisted.application.internet.TimerService.stopService now waits for
   any currently running call to finish before firing its deferred.

 - twisted.protocols.ftp.FTP now recognizes all glob expressions
   supported by fnmatch. (#4181)
 - Constant values defined using twisted.python.constants can now be
   set as attributes of other classes without triggering an unhandled
   AttributeError from the constants implementation. (#5797)
 - Fixed problem where twisted.names.client.Resolver was not closing
   open file handles which can lead to an out of file descriptor error
   on PyPy. (#6216)
 - All reactors included in Twisted itself now gracefully handle a
   rare case involving delayed calls scheduled very far in the future.
 - twisted.trial.reporter.Reporter._trimFrames correctly removes
   frames from twisted.internet.utils.runWithWarningsSuppressed again,
   after being broke in #6009. (#6282)

Improved Documentation
 - A new "Deploying Twisted with systemd" howto document which
   demonstrates how to start a Twisted service using systemd socket
   activation. (#5601)
 - New "Introduction to Deferreds" howto. Old howto rebranded as
   reference documentation. (#6180)
 - "Components: Interfaces and Adapters" howto now uses
   zope.interface's decorator-based API. (#6269)

Deprecations and Removals
 - twisted.python.util.unsignedID and setIDFunction are deprecated
   now. (#5544)
 - twisted.python.zshcomp deprecated since 11.1.0 has now been
   removed. Shell tab-completion is now handled by
   twisted.python.usage. (#5767)
 - python.runtime.Platform.isWinNT is deprecated now. Use
   Platform.isWindows instead. (#5925)
 - twisted.trial.util.findObject, deprecated since Twisted 10.1.0, has
   been removed. (#6260)

 - #2915, #4009, #4315, #5909, #5918, #5953, #6026, #6046, #6165,
   #6201, #6207, #6208, #6211, #6235, #6236, #6247, #6265, #6272,
   #6288, #6297, #6309, #6322, #6323, #6324, #6327, #6332, #6338,

Twisted Conch 13.0.0 (2013-03-19)

 - twisted.conch.client.knownhosts.KnownHostsFile now takes care not
   to overwrite changes to its save file made behind its back, making
   it safer to use with the same known_hosts file as is being used by
   other software. (#6256)

 - #5864, #6257, #6297

Twisted Lore 13.0.0 (2013-03-19)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Mail 13.0.0 (2013-03-19)

 - twisted.mail.smtp.ESMTPClient no longer attempts to negotiate a TLS
   session if transport security has been requested and the protocol
   is already running on a TLS connection. (#3989)
 - twisted.mail.imap4.Query now filters illegal characters from the
   values of KEYWORD and UNKEYWORD and also emits them without adding
   quotes (which are also illegal). (#4392)
 - twisted.mail.imap4.IMAP4Client can now interpret the BODY response
   for multipart/* messages with parts which are also multipart/*.

Deprecations and Removals
 - tlsMode attribute of twisted.mail.smtp.ESMTPClient is deprecated.

 - #6218, #6297

Twisted Names 13.0.0 (2013-03-19)

 - twisted.names.dns.Name and twisted.names.srvconnect.SRVConnector
   now support unicode domain names, automatically converting using
   the idna encoding. (#6245)

Improved Documentation
 - The API documentation for IResolver and its implementations has
   been updated and consolidated in
   twisted.internet.interfaces.IResolver. (#4685)

Deprecations and Removals
 - The retry, Resolver.discoveredAuthority, lookupNameservers,
   lookupAddress, extractAuthority, and discoverAuthority APIs in
   twisted.names.root have been deprecated since 10.0 and have been
   removed. (#5564)

 - #5596, #6246, #6297

Twisted News 13.0.0 (2013-03-19)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Pair 13.0.0 (2013-03-19)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Runner 13.0.0 (2013-03-19)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

 - #5740

Twisted Web 13.0.0 (2013-03-19)

 - twisted.web.template now properly quotes attribute values,
   including Tag instances serialized within attribute values. (#6275)

 - #6167, #6297, #6326

Twisted Words 13.0.0 (2013-03-19)

 - no longer logs a failure whenever
   receiving ISUPPORT messages from an IRC server. (#6263)

 - #6297

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