Twisted 13.1.0

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Ashwini Oruganti
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Release notes 

  * trial now has an --exitfirst flag which stops the test run after the first error or failure.

  * twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions now supports chain certificates.

  * twisted.conch.endpoints.SSHCommandClientEndpoint is a new IStreamClientEndpoint
    which supports connecting a protocol to the stdio of a command running on a remote host
    via an SSH connection.

  * twisted.web.xmlrpc.QueryProtocol now generates valid Authorization headers for long user
    names and passwords.

  * twisted.internet.endpoints.connectProtocol allows connecting to a client endpoint using only
    a protocol instance, rather than requiring a factory.


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Twisted Core 13.1.0 (2013-06-23)

 - trial now has an --exitfirst flag which stops the test run after
   the first error or failure. (#1518)
 - twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions now supports chain
   certificates. (#2061)
 - twisted.internet.endpoints now provides ProcessEndpoint, a child
   process endpoint. (#4696)
 - Factory now has a forProtocol classmethod that constructs an
   instance and sets its protocol attribute. (#5016)
 - twisted.internet.endpoints.connectProtocol allows connecting to a
   client endpoint using only a protocol instance, rather than
   requiring a factory. (#5270)
 - twisted.trial.unittest.SynchronousTestCase.assertNoResult no longer
   swallows the result, if the assertion succeeds. (#6291)
 - twisted.python.constants.FlagConstant implements __iter__ so that
   it can be iterated upon to find the flags that went into a flag
   set, and implements __nonzero__ to test as false when empty.
 - assertIs and assertIsNot have now been added to
   twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase. (#6350)
 - twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase.failureResultOf now takes an
   optional expected failure type argument. (#6380)
 - The POSIX implementation of
   twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorProcess now does not change the
   parent process UID or GID in order to run child processes with a
   different UID or GID. (#6443)

 - self.transport.resumeProducing() will no longer raise an
   AssertionError if called after self.transport.loseConnection()
 - twisted.protocols.ftp.FTP now supports IFTPShell implementations
   which return non-ASCII filenames as unicode strings. (#5411)
 - twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions now disables SSLv2 if
   SSLv23 is selected, allowing only SSLv3 and TLSv1. (#6337)
 - trial dist support now gets sys.path from an environment variable
   passed to it. (#6390)
 - twisted.test.proto_helpers.StringTransportWithDisconnection now
   correctly passes Failure instead of an exception to
   connectionLost through loseConnection. (#6521)

Improved Documentation
 - The Application howto now provides an example of writing a custom
   Service. (#5586)
 - The -j flag to trial (introduced in 12.3.0) is now documented.
 - The SSL howto now covers twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions
   instead of the older context factories it replaces. (#6273)
 - The Constants HOWTO documents iteration and truth testing of flags,
   as well as previously undocumented boolean operations. (#6302)

Deprecations and Removals
 - twisted.trial.runner.suiteVisit and PyUnitTestCase as well as
   visitor methods, all deprecated since Twisted 8.0, have been
   removed. (#3231)
 - twisted.python._epoll bindings were removed; the epoll reactor now
   uses the stdlib-provided epoll support. (#5847)
 - The deprecated LENGTH, DATA, COMMA, and NUMBER NetstringReceiver
   parser state attributes in t.protocols.basic are removed now.
 - twisted.trial.runner.DryRunVisitor is now deprecated. Trial uses a
   different method to handle --dry-run now. (#6333)
 - twisted.python.hashlib is now deprecated in favor of hashlib from
   stdlib. (#6342)
 - twisted.web.server's Session.loopFactory, lifetime parameter of
   Session.startCheckingExpiration and Session.checkExpired attributes,
   deprecated since Twisted 9.0, have been removed. (#6514)

 - #2380, #5197, #5228, #5386, #5459, #5578, #5801, #5952, #5955,
   #5981, #6051, #6189, #6228, #6240, #6284, #6286, #6299, #6316,
   #6353, #6354, #6368, #6377, #6378, #6381, #6389, #6400, #6403,
   #6407, #6416, #6417, #6418, #6419, #6430, #6433, #6438, #6439,
   #6440, #6441, #6444, #6459, #6465, #6468, #6477, #6480, #6498,
   #6508, #6510, #6525

Twisted Conch 13.1.0 (2013-06-23)

 - twisted.conch.endpoints.SSHCommandClientEndpoint is a new
   IStreamClientEndpoint which supports connecting a protocol to the
   stdio of a command running on a remote host via an SSH connection.
 - twisted.conch.client.knownhosts.KnownHostsFile now has a public
   `savePath` attribute giving the filesystem path where the known
   hosts data is saved to and loaded from. (#6255)
 - twisted.conch.endpoints.SSHCommandClientEndpoint.connect() returns
   a cancellable Deferred when using new connections. (#6532)

 - #5386, #6342, #6386, #6405, #6541

Twisted Lore 13.1.0 (2013-06-23)

Deprecations and Removals
 - twisted.lore.lint.parserErrors is deprecated now. (#5386)

Twisted Mail 13.1.0 (2013-06-23)

 - twisted.mail.smtp.ESMTPClient no longer tries to use a STARTTLS
   capability offered by a server after TLS has already been
   negotiated. (#6524)

Deprecations and Removals
 - twisted.mail.IDomain.startMessage, deprecated since 2003, is
   removed now. (#4151)

 - #6342

Twisted Names 13.1.0 (2013-06-23)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

 - #3908, #6381

Twisted News 13.1.0 (2013-06-23)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

 - #6342

Twisted Pair 13.1.0 (2013-06-23)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Runner 13.1.0 (2013-06-23)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Web 13.1.0 (2013-06-23)

 - The deferred returned by twisted.web.client.Agent.request can now
   be cancelled. (#4330)
 - twisted.web.client.BrowserLikeRedirectAgent, a new redirect agent,
   treats HTTP 301 and 302 like HTTP 303 on non-HEAD/GET requests,
   changing the method to GET before proceeding. (#5434)
 - The new attribute twisted.web.iweb.IResponse.request is a reference
   to a provider of the new twisted.web.iweb.IClientRequest interface
   which, among other things, provides a way to access the request's
   absolute URI. It is now also possible to inspect redirect history
   with twisted.web.iweb.IResponse.previousResponse. (#5435)
 - twisted.web.client.RedirectAgent now supports relative URI
   references in the Location HTTP header. (#5462)
 - twisted.web.client now provides readBody to collect the body of a
   response from Agent into a string. (#6251)

 - twisted.web.xmlrpc.QueryProtocol now generates valid Authorization
   headers for long user names and passwords. (#2980)

 - #6122, #6153, #6342, #6381, #6391, #6503

Twisted Words 13.1.0 (2013-06-23)

 - twisted.words.protocols.irc.assembleFormattedText flattens a
   formatting structure into mIRC-formatted markup; conversely
   twisted.words.protocols.irc.stripFormatting removes all mIRC
   formatting from text. (#3844)

Deprecations and Removals
 - The `crippled` attribute in
   twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmpp_stringprep is deprecated now.

 - #6315, #6342, #6392, #6402, #6479, #6481, #6482

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