Project discontinued

Written for Ubuntu Builder by Francesco Muriana on 2014-03-10

I'm pretty sad to write this announcement . After four years, I decided to abandon the development of Ubuntu Builder.

The many changes that have occurred in recent times in the distribution , my basic knowledge of programming and the decreasing of my available time have forced me to make this decision.

Ubuntu Builder was born as a joke, an unpretentious project that I did in my spare time . The success and the positive opinions of those who have used it have prompted me to do more, to integrate new features, solve problems and translate it into various languages.

But now everything has changed , I do not have the skills and time to continue this experience that I enjoyed and that made me proud.

I want to thank all of you, anyone who has downloaded and used Ubuntu Builder at least once, who sent me translations , who pointed me to errors and recommendations , who encouraged me to continue and those who supported me in times of distress .

Thank you so much to all of you !

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