Comment 29 for bug 659280

Revision history for this message
poloshiao (poloshiao) wrote :

Qianqian Fang wrote at #28 asked me to post the output of the following command.
FC_DEBUG=1029 evince Document_B.pdf
where the Document_B.pdf is the second pdf document posted at
The second document is related to the right page, said B.

The following are our results:

1.FC_DEBUG=1029 evince 040216.pdf > origina-1.txt
with Original 69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf

original-1.txt as attached file original-1.txt

2.FC_DEBUG=1029 evince 040216.pdf > fixed-1.txt
with 69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf removed the strings by command:
<sudo sed -i '/DejaVu/d ; /Bitstream Vera/d ; /WenQuanYi Bitmap Song/d' /etc/fonts/conf.avail/69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf>

fixed-1.txt as attached file at the following post fixed-1.txt

Thank you for your kind attention !