Ubuntu Tweak 0.8.0

Milestone information

Ubuntu Tweak
Ding Zhou
Release registered:
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16 Ding Zhou
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
1 Invalid, 2 Won't Fix, 9 Confirmed, 1 In Progress, 3 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon ubuntu-tweak-0.8.0.tar.gz (md5) Ubuntu Tweak 0.8.0 Source code 1,599
last downloaded 5 days ago
download icon ubuntu-tweak_0.8.0-1~precise1_all.deb (md5) Ubuntu Tweak 0.8.0 Deb package 41,026
last downloaded 5 days ago
Total downloads: 42,625

Release notes 

* Overview of Changes
- New web based Apps feature to let you install latest apps easily
  - Always keep up-to-date (need Internet connection)
  - In the same interface, you can manage the app and source
  - List of new apps recently added (Bug #729411)

* Bugs fixed
- Fix misspelled item "Shortcut hits overlay:" (LP: #1035960)
- Janitor preparation to remove kernels results in crash of Ubuntu Tweak (LP: #1051717)
- Scripts bugs image convert if file has some spaces (LP: #1057422)


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 16 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1049738 #1049738 Exception: No schema value for /apps/metacity/general/theme 3 High Ding Zhou  3 Invalid
908399 #908399 Add unity search support: Unity Lense 3 High Ding Zhou  4 Won't Fix
931051 #931051 [Feature Request] Changing dash and launcher colors in Unity-2d 5 Low Ding Zhou  4 Won't Fix
595552 #595552 new feature request: add proxy for specific repo 4 Medium Ding Zhou  6 Confirmed
615366 #615366 Find a easy way to add source in Source Editor 4 Medium Ding Zhou  6 Confirmed
937137 #937137 Certain categories remember last used item 4 Medium Ding Zhou  6 Confirmed
960612 #960612 Tweaks - Session menu : "restart" not needed anymore, add option to remove "suspend" 4 Medium Ding Zhou  6 Confirmed
989511 #989511 Trying to create a hardlink from another file system leads to crash Ubuntu Tweak 4 Medium Ding Zhou  6 Confirmed
908507 #908507 Cache details not updated after running Janitor 5 Low Ding Zhou  6 Confirmed
644137 #644137 Suggestion: Use Launchpad Bug Reporter 6 Wishlist Ding Zhou  6 Confirmed
953746 #953746 [Feature Request] Add an option to "add file types" at the File Type Manager 6 Wishlist Ding Zhou  6 Confirmed
441891 #441891 A version lock feature for Ubuntu Tweak 1 Undecided Ding Zhou  6 Confirmed
1041919 #1041919 Suggestion: Add a documents for user to contribute to Software Center 3 High Ding Zhou  8 In Progress
1051717 #1051717 Janitor preparation to remove kernels results in crash of Ubuntu Tweak 3 High Ding Zhou  10 Fix Released
1057422 #1057422 scripts bugs image convert if file has some spaces. 3 High Ding Zhou  10 Fix Released
729411 #729411 List of new Software Sources recently added 6 Wishlist Ding Zhou  10 Fix Released
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