Comment 19 for bug 120086

Revision history for this message
Loris-Guillaume Minoia (miguillo) wrote :

> I'm going to test this out once the intrepid opens. If possible could you add this into bzr in launchpad ?
in, it's written:
    * If the package is intended for main, then the team should be ubuntu-core-dev.
    * If the package is intended for universe, then the team should be ubuntu-dev.
what's the team for multiverse, as it needs java2 and for now, there is none in main, neither universe:

> - It would make sense to include previous changelog entries as the package is based to tomcat5.5 packaging and also credit the original packagers.
I packaged it from scratch, with great inspiration from the tomcat5.5 package, (with exception of the policy.d directory that i evily copied), but this is sufficient for a credit.

> - Providing and using dedicated user, tomcat6, would be better security-wise at least
> - Using port 8080, might cause trouble with existing servlet containers. Maybe default to something like 8280 as the tomcat5.5 package is using 8180
> - Not sure about the mod_jk addition to server.xml, seems unnecessary?
it is not necessary, but the purpose of a distribution is not just to "./configure,make;make install". I should put either more jk integration, or just none, it's a good question
> - tomcat6 package probably needs java2-sdk in Depends as JDK is required to run tomcat
it uses the eclipse compiler (libecj-java) to compile jsp pages