Comment 2 for bug 927602

Revision history for this message
Daniel Holbach (dholbach) wrote :

Thanks for your work.

I don't know how relevant this is, but lintian shows me this:
N: This desktop entry uses OnlyShowIn to limit the environments in which
N: it's displayed but lists multiple environments. This is often a sign of
N: a desktop file written assuming that only GNOME, KDE, and Xfce are in
N: use and the desktop file intended to exclude one of them. This
N: unintentionally hides the application from desktop environments such as
N: LXDE where it would work fine. If this application supports any desktop
N: environment except some specific ones, it should list the unsupported
N: environments in the NotShowIn key instead.

Also please add a COPYING or LICENSE file to the source directory, without it the package can't get accepted.