Ubuntu mirror "Argonne National Laboratory"

Registered on 2006-06-28

The Argonne Public Software Mirror

Archive information

10 Gbps
United States
Argonne National Laboratory

Last probe

This mirror was last verified .

Mirror location information

Display sources.list entries for:
deb http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu/ YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main 
deb-src http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu/ YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main 

Versions and architectures mirrored

Version Architecture Status
The Vivid Vervet i386 Up to date
The Vivid Vervet amd64 Up to date
The Utopic Unicorn i386 Up to date
The Utopic Unicorn amd64 Up to date
The Trusty Tahr i386 Up to date
The Trusty Tahr amd64 Up to date
The Saucy Salamander amd64 Up to date
The Saucy Salamander i386 Up to date
The Precise Pangolin i386 Up to date
The Precise Pangolin amd64 Up to date
The Lucid Lynx i386 Up to date
The Lucid Lynx amd64 Up to date

Source code mirrored

Version Status
The Vivid Vervet Six hours behind
The Utopic Unicorn Up to date
The Trusty Tahr Up to date
The Saucy Salamander Up to date
The Precise Pangolin Up to date
The Lucid Lynx Up to date