Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

175 of 134 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
linux-kamal-dellstudio Ubuntu Linux kernel plus experimental and upstream patches rel... 2 120
linux-kamal-i915bri ********** IMPORTANT: This Ubuntu Lucid PPA is no longer supp... 1 166
bhaskar-main Stable packages and tested packages. Currently contains: * a... 3 8
eeepc-1015PN vga helper scripts The packages provided in this PPA are GUI helper scripts to se... 4 32
Packages with Bugfixes More details: Included packag... 5 19
toshiba_acpi DKMS testing packages PPA for testing updates to the Linux toshiba_acpi driver. 1 2
PPA for Jan Hoffmann Some small programs I developed (currently ACPI StatusIcon) T... 1 5
PPA for Panayiotis Karabassis Used for personal testing. For development builds of the acer... 6 7
Wake On Plan Simple RTC alarm manager with some additional options and Unit... 1 4
Lenovo z580 Contains packages to facilitate a workaround for the z580 syst... 2 546
VirtualBox 4.1 with ACPI custom table support VirtualBox 4.1 packages built with the patch for ACPI custom t... 1 40
inverted-backlight Experimental ubuntu-oneiric kernel which may fix "inverted bri... 2 349
linux-kamal-mjgbacklight INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE linux-kamal-mjgbacklight PPA This PPA ma... 3 607
Elementary OS 9 10
Lubuntu+ PPA 28 195
Wasta-Linux PPA Main Wasta-Linux PPA Wasta-Linux website: https://www.wastali... 182 626
Moorhen-Kernel Updated kernel & Xorg Drivers. 13 25
No systemd Xenial Some additional package without systemd will be built here due... 43 156
PPA for André Schmitt Calibration 2 4
PPA for mtron this is a Testing PPA. DO NOT USE IT! 27 301
Stable DistroUNP Apps Stable Apps for DistroUNP 5 7
tpbat ThinkPad battery charge threshold management scripts for newer... 3 8
Experimental PPA 3 430 1113
Ironhide Ironhide is the continuation of bumblebee 8 31
Linux Core Software A collection of core linux software I deem necessary to operat... 5 6
My Backports Some packages backported to ubuntu 20.04 4 5
TLP TLP is a feature-rich command line utility optimizing Linux la... 2 11
Test PPA 15 146
Zak's main PPA 37 168
3-base-stable 139 388
4-base-unstable easyVDR Base after 2018 76 125
5-base-stable 101 205
5-base-testing 87 179
5-base-unstable Based on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa 90 173
AMDGPU_SI Kernels with AMDGPU enabled on Southern Island chips. 2 361
Asus EEE Pc T101mt G2 packages 6 12
Asus T300CHI Packages useful on a 2in1 like the T300CHI. 3 369
Dell Duo Touchscreen Stuff 7 9
Doom Packages needed to get Doom running on Southern Island GPU. 3 388
Dove Overlay PPA please check with asac/anmar before uploading. 15 37
General Eee PC support (not for T101MT) Packages for better support of Ubuntu on Eee PC models, especi... 2 3
Lenovo Patches and Fixes Some fixes for Lenovo laptops, primarily Thinkpads and Thinkpa... 10 10
Linaro Tools PPA /!\ WARNING - This PPA is devirtualized, which means: a) it bu... 43 269
My ppa 3 9
Oneiric for easyVDR 34 52
PPA for Cedric Schieli 9 146
PPA for Classmate PC Developers Special packages used on the classmate 1 271
PPA for Claws Mail Up-to-date Claws Mail packages for the last few Ubuntu release... 3 665
PPA for Eee PC T101MT support PPA for support of Ubuntu on the ASUS Eee PC T101MT. For more... 9 34
PPA for Federico Belvisi This PPA contains kernel patched according to LP #48773. Curre... 3 216
PPA for Jay Chetty 3 625
PPA for Larry Reaves 3 53
PPA for Prefetch Kernel and userspace tools for prefetching project. 2 84
PPA for Zumastor Zumastor packages from 7 458
PPA for Zumastor Releases Zumastor Release Packages 6 235
Pali PPA Pali PPA has following packages: Applications:  - Slovak and ... 98 624
Pika landing (Uploads) 26 35
System76 dev for next Ubuntu version 15 137
Test-PPA for Sinai 19 27
base-stable 107 246
easy5-base This is my personal focal Test-PPA - install only if you know ... 100 199
easyVDR HDTV and XBMC in your living room - based on Nvidia VDPAU, VDR... 134 253
my-base This is my personal Test-PPA - install only if you know what y... 72 235
test-PPA Test PPA for Duffy 143 258
tpbat ThinkPad battery charge threshold management scripts for newer... 2 3
AppUpdate Stable Ubuntu AppUpdate has been discontinued. More info: http://ubu... 101 285
AppUpdate Testing Ubuntu AppUpdate has been discontinued. More info: http://ubu... 108 302
Claws Mail 3 144
Claws Mail Backports 1 37
Cloud Archive Staging - Icehouse 147 505
Desktop Screenlets This PPA contains Desktop Screenlets for Ubuntu. http://www.No... 109 117
Experimental builds 5 67
Extra Extra packages that are not part of Ubuntu. 5 16
Icehouse Testing Icehouse packages for Ubuntu Trusty 155 634
Kernel for Microsoft Surface devices Kernel from Xenial, backported to Trusty and Wily,... 18 310
175 of 134 results