Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

18 of 8 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
Einkaeufe Ein kleines Programm zum Verwalten von Einkäufen und dem Verbr... 1 1
consular PPA for consular and related packages. 6 6
Fimex packages required for fimex, including dependencies not yet pa... 5 164
PPA for Cristian KLEIN This PPA contains various fixes I consider necessary for Ubunt... 32 196
PPA for Deny Klein 1 4
netcdf Upgraded packages of the netcdf library 1 4
pdl-netcdf PDL::NetCDF is a perl-wrapper to efficiently read binary netcd... 1 1
ubermix Code and packages for the ubermix project, a lightweight Ubunt... 24 63
18 of 8 results