Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

119 of 19 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
libgit2 transition 11 74
netrunner-15-ci-kf57 netrunner-15-ci-kf57 63 261
KDE Fixes Various KDE fixes 1 42
KDE git Basically the opposite of my anti-backports PPA. 17 163
Kopete This PPA contains daily Kopete builds from KDE git. 15 276
Kubuntu Staging KF6 72 493
Linaro Graphics Working Group Component Releases 12 160
PPA for Filip Brcic Brcha's Ubuntu packages 31 163
PPA for Mackenzie Morgan Packages of things I find useful that aren't in the repos or a... 8 146
PPA for Michael Vogt 44 221
Stable KDE git pulls Git pulls of KDE latest stable branch 10 169
backports Some backported packages for Ubuntu distros 14 114
experimental experimental packages, use at your own risk! 16 136
kde-stable-private kde-stable-private 4 109
ljt-precise libjpeg-turbo precise validation 31 239
meego meego packages 4 127
multimedia 5 106
netrunner-16-ci-updates netrunner-16-ci-updates Fixed or patched packages based on off... 13 143
updates Updated packages, tracking ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa 1 42
119 of 19 results