Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

114 of 14 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
PostgreSQL 11 This PPA contains all packages needed to install PostgreSQL 11... 14 157
PostgreSQL Testing This PPA shouldn't be added to a production or staging machine... 12 144
TimescaleDB 196 744
TimescaleDB 2 80 287
TimescaleDB PPA 2 50 240
TimescaleDB Experimental 110 683
postgresql This repository contains rebuilt PostgreSQL deb packages copie... 5 34
PostgreSQL Testing 11 This PPA is for testing new postgres-11 packages before copyin... 2 41
tmp 3 35
PPA for Groonga family The Ubuntu APT repository for Groomga family. 33 744
pgkeeper 1 2
Quân's PPA Various softwares, made by others but repackaged by me, or mad... 18 99
postgres-decoderbufs A PostgreSQL logical decoder output plugin to deliver data as ... 2 0
test-builds 20 84
114 of 14 results