Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

155 of 55 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
PPA for Ubuntu Ruby Packaging Experimental Ruby and Rails packaging and projects. Bleeding e... 5 105
All you need for Ruby/Rails development on Ubuntu Useful stuff for ruby and rails developers Please, report bug... 16 94
rails-cycle-break rails-cycle-break 1 12
Passenger Some packages of passenger & nginx for Ruby, Ruby on Rails, etc. 2 30
My *Precise* Last update: 25/07/2013 Next update: 25/08/2013 #############... 1310 3100
OpenStreetMap CGImap CGImap is a C++ implementation of some parts of the OpenStreet... 1 14
Phishing Frenzy - Email Phishing Campaigns Manager Phishing Frenzy is an Open Source Ruby on Rails application th... 5 14
rails 9 22
Edge PPA This is our test PPA containing back-ports and other stuff we ... 13 49
Experimental package archive by Antono Vasiljev synapse - edge builds Gemdocs - simple bash helper for quick ... 21 27
PPA for Noriak 1 20
PPA for Simon Huerlimann misc tools and helpfull scripts packaged for your convenience 12 68
Production PPA This is our production ppa. Packages here are only moved here ... 8 39
Redmine 7 38
puppet puppets!! 2 46 opensource 1 1
Apache service 17 65
BeBanjo Old Packages 5 17
Brightbox NGINX Passenger releases NGINX packages built with support for Phusion Passenger 3 101
Brightbox NGINX Passenger testing releases 5 106
Brightbox Passenger Legacy packages 3 22
Brightbox Passenger Releases Ubuntu Packages for Phusion Passenger. This repository only c... 4 49
Brightbox Passenger Testing Releases 4 49
Brightbox Passenger experimental packages Experimental packages for Phusion Passenger 4 http://tech.bri... 5 80
Brightbox Ruby NG Ubuntu packages for Ruby 2.7, 2.6, 2.5, 2.4, 2.3, 2.2, 2.1, 2.... 23 854
Brightbox Ruby NG Experimental Bleeding edge builds of the Brightbox Ruby NG packages https:... 23 882
Custom Rails Packages Use these packages AT YOUR OWN RISK. No guarantee they will be... 2 7
Enthought PPA Packages for internal use at Enthought. Enthought specializes... 6 25
Enthought Staging PPA Packages waiting to be migrated into main PPA 7 36
Eric's PPA Adding this repository will most certainly break your system i... 12 46
Initforthe PPA Bunch of gems and packages I use on a regular basis 17 19
JetBrains PPA 12 45
JonnyJD Packages where I am neither the upstream maintainer and which ... 2 8
Mirrors DEPRECATED - do not use, this will no longer update. Mirrorin... 14 73
Nginx Ruby Passenger Ruby 1.9.3, Nginx with passenger 5 40
PPA for Aaron Kurtz Patched synergy PPA for 2 5
PPA for BitPusher Packages from BitPusher team. We create and import/backport pa... 19 93
PPA for Daniel Hecken Personal packages. A few backports from Hardy and Intrepid. Fl... 36 133
PPA for Daniel Martins 1 1
PPA for Luca Falavigna Development purposes, do not use! 1 0
PPA for Rail Aliev Zemberek (Turkish Spell Checker, 6 15
PPA for Ubuntu Ruby Backports Backports of Ruby packages to older versions of Ubuntu 5 47
Server packages PPA 13 70
Stable Stable Repo 2 30
Superseded Enthought packages that have been superseded in the main PPA. 2 16
Testing Testing Repo 2 30
Tools for OpenStreetMap 8 54
[Canonical] Prometheus Prometheus backported to Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) 35 47
dnjl's Network PPA Here you will find some network related stuff. Using this PPA... 38 422
mod_rails Latest version of passenger and its required dependancies 8 29
nginx Nginx with passenger and upload supprt 2 15
nginx-precise 3 22
passenger Updated libapache2-mod-passenger version 3 packages. 1 6
v6 platform 8 23
zaxsis Various ports of software to be used for hosting/deployment of... 5 44
155 of 55 results